I will come to save the Church of My Jesus!!!


Surrender to your God Love!!!

I will come to save the Church of My Jesus!!! 

Carbonia, March 26, 2017

Praised be Jesus Christ! 

Beloved daughter, I am the Mother of Jesus and I am the One who will now dictate to you His message for the world, that the world may believe in Him who is its God Love! The Savior God! The Creator God! 

Show Me care my children, for the hour of My coming among you has come! 

I will come as the Mother of Salvation, I will take My chosen children with Me and with them I will go and crush the head of the ancient serpent! 

Kindle your hearts to Love and give yourselves only to Him. 

Pray for His early return to Earth, so that this world will not be completely destroyed. 

Satan is furious, he is advancing with great strides because he sees his end! 

Beware My children, at this instant in the world is the catastrophe of the despair of many, for in them comes the fear of the knowledge of the truth. 

Surrender yourselves to your God Love, O men, seek no other thing but Him, your Only Good in absolute: Jesus!  Call upon Him with love, tell Him that you want to return to Him, that you need His help, for Satan has taken away your hope! 

Beloved children, Jesus is waiting for all of you to repent to return to Him, He is waiting to re-embrace all His children to place them at His right hand to enjoy His infinite Beauties, in His Eternal Love! 

Take leave of the world My souls! Oh you, chosen souls, stand waiting to see Him Who will now call you to Himself to dictate His last will to you. 

Be proud of His Love, O men! Shout to your Savior, to Him who returns for your deliverance, all your sincere yes, that you may return to enjoy His esteem! 

Take the Holy Scriptures in your hands and read them carefully. 

Walk according to the Holy Gospel of Jesus and you will have nothing to fear. 

Do not be slaves of fear, call Jesus to your aid, that He may take you over and give you His help. 

Seek Perfection, O men, renounce the blasphemies of this corrupt and finite world. Move your hearts to the Most High and pray that God's Plan may have its fulfillment in these remaining hours for your conversion.

Let infinite thanks be given to Him who is The Grace! 

Set out for holiness, O men, pray and fast, confess your sins with contrite hearts and humble yourselves before Him Who created you, prostrate to the One and Only True God, asking Him for the grace of salvation! 

THE ARRIVAL OF THE INVITED, will put you in a position to understand better, and help you overcome many obstacles. 


Pray, pray, pray My children, that My coming among you, AS CORREDENT IN THE WORK OF SALVATION, may be now, before the manifestation of the Antichrist! 

I will come to save the Church of My Jesus, I will fight with all My Grace, and I will be victorious, against Satan! I will embrace My earthly Army to My bosom and with it I will triumph, ... My Immaculate Heart will triumph!!! 

Blessed children, oh you who listen to Me and follow with love the call of Heaven, behold I, the Woman Clothed with the Sun, will appear and I will break through evil, and all will be according to the will of God the Father! 

My children, friends of My Son Jesus, prepare your souls, for the hour of your deliverance has come! 

Stand by My side to be victorious in Me, faithful to My Son Jesus! 

The passing away is soon to come! 

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! 

Mary Coredemptrix of salvation!