The most perfect love is in true trust in the beloved

November 10, 1900 – The most perfect love is in true trust in the beloved.

As He continued not to come, I felt immersed in the greatest bitterness; my soul was tortured in a thousand ways. Then I felt as though a shadow near me, and I heard the voice of my adorable Jesus, though I could not see Him, saying to me: 

“The most perfect love is in the true trust that one must have in the loved object, and even if it should appear that the object one loves is lost – then more than ever is the time to prove this living trust. 

This is the easiest means to take possession of that which one ardently loves.” 

Having said this, both shadow and voice disappeared. Who can say the pain I feel for not having seen my beloved Good?

Book of Heaven vol 4, L Piccarreta