The moon, the sun and the stars will be extinguished --Carbonia


Carbonia 10.02.2025

As Father and God I love you infinitely
And I long to have you with Me in My House.

I am Who I Am, I am the Creator God, Master of the Universe.

My children, I present Myself to you with love and ask you to return to Me.
As Father and God I love you infinitely and yearn to have you with Me in My House, I wish to set you to enjoy all that belongs to Me, I want to share it with you, give Me this joy of having you back to Me.
Prepare your souls, soon I will take you in Me, My children, oh you who are faithful to Me!

Beloved children, time is on the ropes, Satan wants to destroy your Planet and the Humanity that contains it, but a great light is coming, a great love for all of you who will recognize Me as your Father and God.Pray unceasingly.

I will thunder My justice, I will be impartial, I will place safely in Me all those who will kneel in My Presence and ask Me forgiveness for their sins, with contrite hearts.

The moon will be extinguished, the sun will be extinguished, the stars will be extinguished, no more light, but God will illuminate the Universe with Himself and will cry out His Power manifesting His powers. No other god is like Him, no one!!!

He is the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and the Omega, He IS!

I am ready, My sorrow is too great, I will lose many children, but I will have back in Me those who have loved, followed, served and adored Me.

Behold,the New Earth is ready to shelter the faithful to God!

Stormy winds are blowing, prepare yourselves for the situations to come.

You will have to suffer much,oh you who persecute Me through My prophets, you who have betrayed Me, you who in your great pride have made My Mother weep!!!

Convert now, My children, now that you still can, do not delay lest you find yourselves buried in ashes.

The space station warns of a satellite falling to earth!Many objects sent into space are falling toward Earth.

An asteroid will soon hit your planet. Convert now! Do not be fearless!
Take care of your souls, time is up!