I witness all your transgressions. I Am that I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. I Am. Open your hearts to Love. Surrender one more time. Give Me permission to transfigure you into vessels of honor. So many refuse Me, Beloved. Accept to serve in My army.
Many spiritual battles now rage all over the Earth. Join the ranks of My chosen Sons, and Daughters. Desire to honor Me in all that you say, think, and do. Pray without ceasing. Lead others to holiness.
Do not compromise. Keep My laws. I have engraved them upon your hearts, and souls. You know what you must do. Comply. Do not be fooled into thinking that sin is acceptable to Me. Do not think for one instant that My grace extends to those who openly offend Me, and choose sin. Wake up, Beloved.
Satan rejoices over your indifference, and ignorance. Hell is very real. Do not wait to be thrown into the abyss to please Me. It will be too late. Change must come during your time on Earth. Repent now.
I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom
Children Of My Divine Heart,
I Am that I Am. I Am the King of the Universe, the Alpha and the Omega. I Am. Open your hearts to Me now. Surrender. Do not refuse Me. Give Me permission. My plans are perfect. Pray for guidance. Pray for the courage to do what you must for My glory. Pray for all spiritual gifts. Abandon the world. Do not compete with your brothers, and sisters.
Seek only the things that truly matter. Give greater importance to spiritual matters. Fight for justice, for truth, and for My glory. Abandon your desire for honor, for pleasure, and for gain. Be right with Me. Uproot sin from your lives, and be holy. Teach others the value of obedience.
Pray for guidance. Do not pretend to be holy for you will answer to Me for all wrongdoing. Live as My heirs. Do not wound those you meet. Do not judge them. Advise them to put an end to all manner of sin in order to honor Me. Pray for their conversions. Be faithful to Me. I hope in you. I need your prayers to rise as incense before My throne. Pray without ceasing.