You are My heirs. Live accordingly

Children Created For My Glory,

I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. I Am that I Am. Open your hearts. Surrender. Give Me permission. Prepare your hearts. Arm yourselves in faith. Put on your armors, and walk in love. Fight for My glory. Expose all lies. 

Break free from Satanic influences, oppression, and bondage. Break all demonic soul ties. Be holy. I expect, and demand righteousness from you. You are My heirs. Live accordingly. You can not compromise, and accept sin in your lives. 

Repent, Beloved. Admit your wrongdoings. Repent for so having offended Me. Ask for forgivenesss, and be true to Me. 

Honor Me in all that you say, think, and do. As soon as you realise the error of your ways, humble yourselves, and repent. Return to Me. Keep no sin upon your hearts, no stains upon your souls. Time is of the essence. Change your ways. 

Overcome sin, Little Ones. Overcome or you will compromise your eternal destination. Each day, I remove names from the Book of Life. Be counted among the Saints. Persevere in love.

 I hope in you. Do not disappoint Me.

 I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom