The priest's relationship with the nuns

"To my Priests" by Concepción Cabrera de Armida

"And this is not only for the world in which the priest must live! But also, and very principally, in the external and intimate dealings with the religious.

There Satan awaits him, often transformed into an angel of light, in order to lose him, to stain him, to make him attached to ties that begin with spiritual and end with unholy loves.

Bishops and superiors of communities should be very alert on this point. There is more there than they imagine; there is much evil that hurts Me in these intimate dealings with souls, but many times it also enters the bodies and hearts to convert and pretend with a cloak of sanctity what is far from being sanctity.

How many dangers there are in this very important point in My Church; how many disorientations in souls who saw only Me and then look at someone else who is not Me, and who should be Me.

Satan has his favorite field in this point and he rejoices in his evil deceptions, in his hypocritical actions by covering with holiness that which is diabolical.

Transformed into an angel of light he deceives both parties and with the candy and the lure of the extraordinary, he detains and entertains and stirs and obfuscates, bringing forth for his harvest what he intends.

He does not always tarnish, but he does tarnish; he does not always triumph, but he always stirs up trouble; his poison does not always kill, but it does sicken.

Satan likes, with all his hypocritical malice, to imitate the holy: and here he has his nets and deceives very slowly, very subtly priests and those who are led, and it takes much light from above to know him, to unmask him, and to despise him.

He baits good souls with the bait of the holy in order to betray them afterwards; he brings into play all his art to imitate the divine, everything being composed of his infernal malice to lose souls.

Beware, beware for them and for them! For those souls, hidden and concealed, are the most apt to catch fire, first deceived, and then uncovered when they are already taken by Satan.

At the very least, there can be affections that detain and entertain foolishly in order to cool little by little the life of intimacy with Me. This point is very slippery and Satan rejoices in his innumerable conquests by diminishing what is mine and even tearing from my arms good souls who consoled me.

The Heart is heart: and if it is not well oriented and rooted in Me, it is very easy for it to slip into what is human, earthly, and even into what is sinful and sensual.

Be very careful on this delicate point of such transcendence for priests and for souls. And if the Bishops must watch over the exterior relations, they must also, with all prudence and tact, touch, as far as they are allowed, these interior wounds by remedying them.

This intimate relationship, so necessary in confessionals and in spiritual directions, has its pitfalls, has its dangers, and souls need much virtue, much purity, and much union with Me if they are to see in priests only stepping-stones to come to Me without stopping on the way.

May the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary transform them into other Jesus


"To the Priests, beloved sons of the Blessed Virgin."

Live my son, in such a way that I may pour out upon you all the tenderness of my Immaculate and sorrowful Heart (...).

Anyone who looks at you, listens to you, passes by your side, must be able to feel that a gust of this supernatural perfume reaches his soul, of the tenderness that the Mother's Heart feels towards all her Children. That is why I want you truly detached from everyone. Do not look for other voices or other supports. Do you not feel that I Myself speak to you and lead you? My Immaculate Heart will be your only consolation and only from this Heart will all encouragement come to you.