2 messages from Trevignano Romano

Trevignano Romano August 14, 2022

Dear daughter, thank you for having responded to my call in your heart. My daughter, tomorrow is the feast of my Assumption into Heaven, John was at my side at that moment, he had decorated my little bed with fresh and fragrant flowers. After I had fallen asleep, a dazzling light invaded the little room, but an even stronger light overcame me, causing the little room to fill with little lights that shone with many colors, and the angels lifted me up and took me to meet my Son Jesus.

My daughter, I continue to touch the earth to help humanity to convert and to love God as I have loved Him, be like me and carry in your heart the sufferings of these times you are living and those you will live, know that I will always be at your side to console you. 

You cannot even imagine the joy I felt when I met my Son and this is how I would like your meeting to be when He comes soon. 

Now I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.

Trevignano Romano August 13, 2022

Dear children, thank you for being here, I have called you and you have responded in your hearts. 

Children, pray because the time of purification has come, pray for the Church and for the young people because their souls are being lost. 

Look at the movements of the earth, they are all signs for you. 

My children, pray with your hearts, not only with words as the pagans did, may your prayers be filled with love for my Divine Son, only in this way will you be able to alleviate our suffering. 

Now I bless you in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, amen.