Francis' method of governance is becoming unbearable, writes (February 2).
• Francis uses law and justice “according to convenience” and according to his personal sympathies.
• He is intransigent against some [= Catholics] and uses “mercy” toward others [= evil doers].
• He is a control freak to whom everything must be submitted but much depends on his mood, even the choice of bishops.
• Francis wanted to appoint his watchdog Bishop Domenico Pompili as secretary to the Italian bishops, but Bologna Cardinal Zuppi refused and Francis got angry, “Give Pompili the first big diocese that becomes free,” he thundered.
• Francis cares about his personal goals, not about pastoral, spiritual or religious values.
• He has defended the disgraced Bishop Zanchetta and the scandalous Cardinal Maradiaga and the oligarch media are Francis’ accomplices [because he is their poodle].
• Como Bishop Oscar Cantoni protected Father Mauro Inzoli. While Inzoli ended up in prison for homosexual abuse, Cantoni became a cardinal.
• Cardinal Müller writes in his latest book that a Vatican court decided to defrock Inzoli but a curia cardinal persuaded Francis to change the verdict. knows the name of this prelate: the homosexualist Francesco Coccopalmerio.
• In 2017, Francis appointed the layman Daniele Cancilla who knows nothing about canon law, as Chancellor of the Roman Rota because he is Francis’ friend whom Francis wants to use as a spy.
• Cancilla was sent to study canon law after his appointment, “Imagine how his competence can be assessed in a pontifical university, after Francis has already put him in a role where he would already need the title,” writes.
• In February, Francis made Alejandro Arellano Cedillo, the Dean of the Rota Romana, an archbishop ad personam for the sole reason that Arellano is a [brainless] Francis lackey.