Messages of Our Lord Jesus Christ to His favorite sons.
CXV The Holy Spirit and the Priests
At the end of the centuries, when the Church on earth finishes the sublime and divine mission that I have entrusted to her, she will pass triumphantly to heaven to glorify Me with her glorified members, eternally.
Where the Holy Spirit blows, there is eternal fruitfulness, because in God everything is eternal.
And what delicacy of My Father, after the Redemption and My Ascension to Heaven; it is certain that I begged the Father to send His Spirit to My Church to rule and console Her; but He not only sent the Holy Spirit as the fruit of My petition, but He sent Him in My name, as a gift of Mine to the Church and to humanity, a gift conquered with My Blood and with My life.
And what always happens in the loving bosom of the Trinity, the struggle of Love with Love, of Charity with Charity. I sent the Holy Spirit into the world in the name of my beloved Father, and that most holy Father sent him in my name, as the richest price of the Redemption of the Word made flesh. Thus it happens in everything related to Love between the Father and the Son, between the Son and the Father, these struggles of love, these desires are unified in the unitive desire of the Divinity, in the Holy Spirit.
And from here another point: that the favors of God are eternal, they participate in the Being of God who had no beginning and will have no end.
The Holy Spirit came, not for a day, not for a fixed time, not for centuries and more centuries, but to remain in the Church eternally. But how, if the world will have an end? The Church will not end on earth. It will end its saving mission with the last soul that leaves this world; but it will continue in heaven eternally, glorifying Me in its saved children.
This is how God is in his works; he does not dismember them, he does not destroy them, but he eternalizes them. And it is that everything that comes from Him, bears the sublime seal of the Trinity, something of His infinite and enduring Being; an extension of His eternal, imperturbable, immovable and immutable stability.
Oh, if only man would understand and think of that, not something, but everything earthly that he carries in himself, in his body and in his soul!
The Father left to the Holy Spirit all liberty to empty His treasures into the created soul of His Word made flesh, and He rejoiced moreover in His beloved Son, ONE with Him, by the same Divinity.
With what complacency He contemplated me in union with the Holy Spirit, in my stay on earth!
The intimate part of my Humanity lived alienated in the contemplation of the beatific vision that widened my Spirit in Love and fused it in the most ardent unitive and attractive center of the Trinity. My Humanity, not only had an angel at my side, but legions surrounded me, adoring the Divinity, united to my human nature. Those angels adored in the God-man the inscrutable designs of the Trinity and admired and respected my redemptive plans.
The lower part of my humanity, although also divinized, was nevertheless, by its offering of voluntary immolation, subject to the sad needs of man.
I offered myself pure and sacrificed to the Father by the Holy Spirit. I loved as man also that holy Spirit, and with Himself, Him and my beloved Father.
With what love could the Word made flesh love, if not with Love itself, with the unitive and eternal Center between the Father and the Son? With what love could I love the fallen humanity that I came to redeem, if not with the divine Love that was in Me as God and as man, with the Holy Spirit? That divine Love impelled Me to offer Myself to the Father as Victim and to offer Myself to man in voluntary immolation. That infinite love in which I was kneaded, interpenetrated, fused, which was like My Being and My life, impelled Me from heaven to earth, from the Cross to the altars, from the altars to heaven, to put the finishing touch to My Church by sending it the Holy Spirit.
If I am charity, if I am Love, what else could I give to man but My own Love, the Holy Spirit, Myself, his sorrowful and loving Redeemer, on his behalf?
Only this infinite and eternal love could open heaven, eternal and infinite.
Oh, if all my priests were love! Oh, if all their happiness on earth were to be expressed in a single immolation of love, united to Me, transformed into Me!
But who does these marvels of love, but only he who is Love? The world is in dire need of the Holy Spirit to spiritualize itself; but more so my priests who must open their souls to a new Pentecost, clean and pure, transformed in Me to honor the Father and save the world.
The Holy Spirit seeks, divinely anxious, vessels in which to pour out His infinite treasures; He wants priestly souls to expand and call Him, invoke Him, receive Him, communicate Him, give Him; because He is the Gift of God, the Gift of gifts, the only one capable of renewing souls and worlds, and to cleanse, purify and make them be reborn in the Holy Spirit.
A new stage, the one that touches the Holy Spirit in a very special way, is coming to the world to renew it; but He wants to make Himself felt especially in His priests transformed in Me, and to elevate, angelize and sanctify them so that with Him and in Him, they may promote in the Church His reign that will move souls and hearts.
How much My Father desires to see honored, exalted, sublimated, in the priestly hearts very principally, that divine Person of the Trinity who is Love and who rules by Love! For not only did the Holy Spirit come at that time, but forever, eternally, to possess his Church and to govern with infinite gentleness through grace his favorite field--intelligences and souls.
In many hearts the Holy Spirit is relegated to the background, even though He is the divine Person without whom the creature would not be able to move in the supernatural order of grace. And alas! even for many of my priests his memory is secondary, since he is the divine action of the priest, and must be the most intimate thing that exists in him, his heartbeat and his life. It must circulate through the priest's soul like blood through his veins; it must permeate his thoughts, words and deeds; it must be his very spirit as it was mine.
Are not my priests other "I's"? How then can they not allow themselves to be unconditionally possessed by that Holy Spirit to whom they owe everything and with whom their sublime vocation has infinite filiation?
Who anointed them for the priesthood, who gives virtue to their words in the Consecration, who brought them to the altar and made them worthy by ordination to transform themselves into me, to make me descend into their hands, to operate the transubstantiation? Who operates in them that reflection of the Incarnation and of the Word that is renewed in each Mass with my Passion and death? To whom do they owe their vocation? Who chose them to perfume the altars with the aroma of their purity? Who constantly offers them to My Father from the earth, in My union, and wraps this present in love to please the Father, and transform them into Me?
Oh if my priests would meditate on the infinite benefits, some that they see and touch and many more hidden from their eyes, but which have the Holy Spirit as their active principle!
It can be said with certainty that in the spiritual life, especially in that of the priest, there is not a single act in which the Holy Spirit does not assist, accompany and penetrate him!
For this very reason the priest who forgets his holy duties is all the more guilty; because more than anyone else he grieves and hurts that Whiteness, that uncreated Light, that Consoler who constantly makes him buy heaven.
I will never tire of insisting on the full, absolute and unhindered reign of the Holy Spirit in the souls of His priests. Transforming them in Me is your delight in order to present them to the Father, one with Me, in the unity of the Trinity.
May my priests give themselves fully, without hindrance, without diminution, without selfishness, without obstacles, to this divine Person; for if they do this, they will soon be transformed, because only the Holy Spirit makes a Jesus of each soul and simplifies it in unity.