The World Youth Day 2023 official website features a statement of commitment to Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato si’ and the United Nations' 2030 Agenda.
(LifeSiteNews) — The Vatican seems to be running defense after it was noticed that its World Youth Day 2023 website contained an endorsement of the United Nations’ pro-abortion and pro-contraception 2030 Agenda.
According to a “Sustainability Commitment” letter posted on the World Youth Day (WYD) Lisbon 2023 official website, the Church-organized event taking place this August in Portugal has as its “mission” the goal of building “upon the sustainability goals adopted globally,” as articulated in “the Laudato si’ Goals put forward by the Vatican, as well as the United Nations 2030 Agenda (SDGs).”
Due to the pro-abortion, pro-contraception and population control aspects of the 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) contained therein, the WYD website has since amended its letter to clarify that its endorsement of the agenda is only being done in accordance with the “orientations of the Holy See.”
As explained to Catholic News Agency by Spanish Bishop José Ignacio Munilla, “since there were many complaints, the reference [to the 2030 Agenda] was later qualified … [to explain that] we adhere to Agenda 2030 ‘as it is interpreted according to the Catholic Church.’”
Munilla also explained that this qualification included a removal of the 2030 Agenda’s logo from the website.
These so-called “orientations,” which seek to reconcile the UN’s anti-Catholic goals of ensuring “universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights” worldwide – common euphemisms for contraceptives and abortion – with the teachings of the Catholic Church, which condemns such practices as gravely sinful, were first published in 2016 by then-Apostolic Nuncio and Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations, Archbishop Bernardito Auza.
While Auza’s instructions do insist that Pope Francis and the Vatican “reject” the various pro-abortion and population control efforts found in the 2030 Agenda, there still exists an overall approval of the UN’s mission in the instruction, referencing the “proper and laudable aspirations” of the program and the inclusion of Francis’ 2015 remarks calling the international adoption of the measures a “sign of hope.”
In his comments addressing the “controversy” around the inclusion of the 2030 Agenda on the WYD website, Munilla stated that the criticism being levied is “fair” and “The fact that it [the endorsement] has gone away little by little — now I remove the logos, now I say that ‘according to the Catholic Church’ — it’s a kind of rectification without completely rectifying, which makes it clear that a mistake has been made.
Cozying up to globalists actors who reject the Church’s infallible moral teaching has become a hallmark of Francis’ pontificate.
Beyond the aforementioned endorsement of the 2030 Agenda, albeit with some caveats, in October 2021 Francis appointed prominent abortion and population control advocate Jeffrey Sachs as an ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences.
Interestingly, Sachs is also one of the architects of the UN’s SDGs and has even previously praised Francis’ controversial encyclical Laudato Si for having “made possible” their passage.
In similar fashion in October 2022, Francis appointed pro-abortion, World Economic Forum-linked economist and self-described atheist Mariana Mazzucato to the Pontifical Academy for Life, leading to outrage and concern among the faithful.