MeToo: Another Motu Proprio on "Abuse"

Francis published a March 25 motu proprio on abuse in Church institutions, an updated version of the 2019 norms Vos estis lux mundi.

The rules now also apply to lay leaders of international associations recognised by the Holy See and cover acts or omissions that obstruct or evade investigations of alleged offenders.

The vague category of "vulnerable adults" has been added. Previously, the norms referred to “sexual acts with a minor or a person with mental disabilities.”

A vulnerable adult is "any person in a state of infirmity, physical or mental deficiency, or deprivation of personal liberty, which in fact, even occasionally, limits his or her ability to understand or want or in any case to resist the offence."

Some believe that the move was influenced by alleged "abuses" by Jean Vanier (+2019), the founder of the L’Arche community. However, Vanier never touched "vulnerable adults" but only practised fornication with healthy adult women. Further, L'Arche also doesn't consider itself to be Catholic.