Update the presence of God

Remember that other one that accompanied the presence of God in the Old Testament: The cloud wrapped the tabernacle of the meeting and the glory of Yahweh filled the whole place. It was the sign that guaranteed divine interventions: Yahweh said to Moses: I will come to you in a dense cloud, so that the people may see that I am speaking to you and may always have faith in you. That cloud now envelops Christ on Tabor and from it comes the powerful voice of God the Father: This is my Son, the Beloved, listen to him.

And God the Father speaks through Jesus Christ to all men of all times. His voice is heard in every age, in a unique way through the teaching of the Church, which "continually seeks ways to bring this mystery of its Master and Lord closer to the human race: to peoples, to nations, to generations." that are happening, to every man in particular».

When they raised their eyes they saw no one but only Jesus, and Elijah and Moses were not there. Just come to the Lord. To the usual Jesus, who sometimes goes hungry, who gets tired, who makes an effort to be understood... To Jesus, without special glorious manifestations. The normal thing for the Apostles was to see the Lord like this, the exceptional thing was to see him transfigured.

We must find this Jesus in our ordinary life, in the midst of work, in the street, in those around us, in prayer, when he forgives, in the sacrament of Penance, and, above all, in the Holy Eucharist, where it is truly, really and substantially present. But he normally does not show himself to us with particular manifestations. Furthermore, we have to learn to discover the Lord behind the ordinary, the ordinary, fleeing from the temptation to desire the extraordinary.

We must never forget that the Jesus with whom those three privileged men were on Mount Tabor is the same one who is with us every day. «When God grants you the grace to feel his presence and wants you to speak to him as your dearest friend, expose your feelings to him with complete freedom and confidence. He anticipates making himself known to those who long for him (Wis 6, 14). Without waiting for you to approach Him, He anticipates when you want His love, and He presents Himself to you, granting you the graces and remedies you need. He only expects a word from you to show you that he is by your side and willing to listen and comfort you: his ears are attentive to prayer (Ps 33, 16) (...).

»The other friends, those of the world, have hours that they spend talking together and hours when they are apart; but between God and you, if you want, there will never be an hour of separation»

Wouldn't our life be different in this Lent, and always, if we updated more frequently that divine presence in the habit of each day, if we tried to say more ejaculations, more acts of love and reparation, more spiritual communions...? «For your daily examination: have I let some hour go by, without speaking with my Father God?... Have I conversed with Him, with the love of a child? 
