Mortification is the sight of the soul

July 23, 1901 – Jesus speaks about His Will and about charity.

As I was with many doubts about my state, on coming, my adorable Jesus told me: “Daughter, do not fear, what I recommend to you is that you remain always conformed to my Will, because when the Divine Will is in the soul, neither the diabolical nor the human will have the strength to enter the soul to make fun of her.”

After this, I seemed to see Him crucified, and since the Lord had shared with me, not only His pains, but some sufferings of another person, He added: “This is true charity: to destroy oneself in order to give life to others, to take upon oneself the evils of others, and to give Me one’s own goods.”

August 3, 1901 – The soul who possesses Grace has authority over hell, over men and over God Himself.

This morning my adorable Jesus was not coming. Then, after much waiting, the Virgin Mama came, bringing Him almost by force; but Jesus would escape. Then the Most Holy Virgin told me: “My daughter, do not become tired of asking for Him – rather, be importunate, because this escaping of His is a sign that He wants to send some chastisement, and therefore He escapes the sight of His beloved ones. You, however, do not stop, because the soul who possesses Grace has authority over hell, over men and over God Himself. In fact, since Grace is part of God Himself, as the soul possesses It, does she perhaps not have power over that which she possesses?”

Then, after much resistance, forced by the Queen Mama and importuned by me, He came, but with an imposing, serious appearance, such that one would not dare to speak. I did not know what to do to make Him break that appearance so imposing. I thought I would come out speaking nonsense, saying to Him: ‘My sweet Good, let us love each other; if we ourselves do not love each other, who else can love us? And if You are not content with my love, who will ever be able to content You? O please! give me a sure sign that You are content with my love, otherwise I faint – I die.’ But who can say all the nonsense I spoke? I believe it is better to move on. However, it seemed that with this I was able to break that imposing air He had, and He told me: “Only when your love will surpass the river of the iniquities of men – then will I be content with your love. So, think of increasing your love, for I will be more content with you.” Having said this, He disappeared.

August 5, 1901 – Mortification is the sight of the soul.

As I was in my usual state, my blessed Jesus was delaying in coming. I felt I was dying for the pain of His privation, when, all of a sudden, He came and told me: “My daughter, just as the eyes are the sight of the body, so mortification is the sight of the soul. Therefore, mortification can be called‘eyes of the soul’.” And He disappeared.

 by the Little Daughter of the Divine Will, Luisa Piccarreta

Book of Heaven, Volume 4

by the Little Daughter of the Divine Will Luisa Piccar