The four resolutions of Saint Dominic Savio


The four resolutions of a young Saint Dominic Savio: I will go to Confession and Communion as often as my confessor will allow, I will sanctify Sundays and holy days in a special way, Jesus and Mary will be my friends, and Death, but not sin.

He was deeply devoted to the Eucharist and spent many hours praying before the Blessed Sacrament. He encouraged his friends to receive Holy Communion frequently.

He is often considered a role model for young people.

Saint Dominic deeply loved the Blessed Virgin Mary and encouraged his friends to pray the Rosary regularly.

Saint John Bosco recognized his holiness and spiritual maturity at a young age. He went on to write a biography of Saint Dominic Savio.

He suffered from tuberculosis and died at age 14. He received the last sacraments and died peacefully in the arms of Saint John Bosco.

