The terrible pandemic is already in the world....

Carbonia 09.02.2024

Holy Mary with you.

Write, listen to my dictation and transmit it to the world.

I am the Blessed Virgin: I come to this world to bring the Word of Jesus!

Put within yourselves the burning desire for Him,
listen to what He tells you and follow Him... because... He alone is the Savior!
Show yourselves "docile" ... and "humble" to His Will!
You belong to Heaven.... you are not of this world!
Soon you will be received in Him, the Lord!

In spite of the wickedness of this Humanity, Heaven wants to save its children!
The Truth is only in Christ Jesus:
separate yourselves from the world and administer yourselves according to His Word.
God is the Perfect Being: only in Him is salvation!

Tomorrow you will be caught up by Him and you will dwell in Him and you will be "new" in body and soul,
you will be in the image and likeness of Him who is your Creator.
My sweet child... write without ceasing: may spiritual growth be in you.

Mary is with you as Jesus is with you; to you has been entrusted the last earthly Work in love and charity.

My children,

soon it will no longer be possible to circulate:
traffic will be closed ... due to great disturbances ...
it will happen ... any day now.
The terrible pandemic is already in the world....

My children,

soon it will no longer be possible to move,
a great struggle will begin!
The civil war against the rulers is already underway.
Peace to you, my blessed daughter.

Resist Satan's attacks, all will be remedied in Me.

You are attacked because you are strong in Me..... true soldiers of Jesus Christ.

The pandemic will take many people ...

Homes will be emptied and the souls of the unfaithful will leave.

Jesus is directing His cry of love to you.

The hour is marked by his Divine intervention.

My children,

love my Prophets and protect them,
give them your help... O all people!
Heaven is about to intervene:
Do what God asks: Be faithful to Him!
Be Love and Charity to your neighbor.
I bless you! I love you!

Your God Love.