Was Cardinal Pell murdered?

The death of Cardinal George Pell is "shrouded in mystery," his former colleague Libero Milone, the Vatican's first auditor general, told TheAustralian.com.au (July 2).

It would not be surprising if bergoglio's mafia made him disappear as it is not the first time that uncomfortable characters have passed on, among them 2 of the 4 Dubia cardinals. Likewise, Pell was subjected to a ruthless persecution making him guilty of sexual abuse for which he was imprisoned although he was later declared innocent.
It should be recalled that Card. Pell had published a very forceful Memorandum against the excesses of Bergoglio and his clique weeks before. 

Pell's memorandum

Pell, who confirmed the authorship of that text, described Francis' pontificate as "catastrophic" and charged against the Vatican silences of the Pope and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith with respect to the German Synodal Way. "The German synod speaks of homosexuality, of women priests, of Communion for the divorced and remarried. But the papacy is silent," the document reads.

The late Pell also criticized some Vatican practices such as firing workers, often priests, without cause, the widespread practice of wiretapping or the Pope's rule by decree.

In addition to criticizing the sorry state of Vatican finances, Cardinal Pell lamented that "there has been no public support for the Catholic faithful in China, who have been persecuted uninterruptedly for their loyalty to the papacy for more than 70 years" and also advocated "regularizing the situation of Tridentine (Catholic) traditionalists." (Infovaticana)

Milone pledged before Pell's coffin to get to the truth. Milone, a Dutch-born Italian businessman and former partner at multinational accounting giant Deloitte, is the last survivor of the trio appointed in 2015 to reform the Vatican's financial system, of which Cardinal Pell was the head. The third collaborator, Ferruccio Panicco, died of cancer in June 2023 at the age of 63.

Cardinal Pell died in January 2023, aged 81, of cardiac arrest after a hip operation in Rome, although he woke up after the operation and appeared to be well.

TheAustralian.com.au writes that at least two of Cardinal Pell's closest confidants had urged him not to undergo the operation in Rome for safety reasons, but to return to Australia to undergo the procedure.

However, the cardinal opted to undergo the operation at Salvator Mundi Hospital, a very posh private hospital in Rome that was originally founded by nuns but is now part of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC).

According to TheAustralian.com.au, the hospital's surveillance cameras were not working at the time of Cardinal Pell's death. It also claims that there was no doctor on duty to assist Cardinal Pell on the night of his death.

And, "Rumors have circulated around the Holy See for months that Pell's body was left after the autopsy without being properly dressed, raising further concerns about his final hours."
In addition, someone broke the corpse's nose
They threw his clothes and shoes into the coffin on top of his body.
These are not actions befitting Catholics.
We show great respect to the bodies of the dead, knowing that they were created in the image and likeness of God, and were Temples of the Holy Spirit.

 en.news/MF/Nick Donnelly