If you saw your souls, you would not be able to resist it


My soul, I do not deny souls the nourishment of My communications if it were for their sins, for then, My soul, I could never communicate with anyone, for you are all sinners. I, Jesus, am speaking to you.

I feel very sorry that your souls are in the state they are in, full of rottenness, vices, sins, of everything that could be called diseases of the soul. Do you not feel sorry to see a sick person with ulcers, with sores, with bloody wounds, that is what happens to Me with your souls, that I see them in such a state of deterioration that I feel sorry for all of you. If you, My children, were to see your souls and the state they are in, you would not be able to resist. I, Jesus, speak to you.
But see My children, that I am the Source of all Life, I am the Divine Healer and I desire to heal you of your wounds and you do not let Me. You close your doors to Me because you want nothing to do with Me, nothing to do with Me, and in spite of all the wealth I have at My disposal to save you, you do not let Me act. I, Jesus, speak to you.

Ask Me, dear children of My Heart, that I heal you from your inner wounds, that I take you out of your sins, that I help you to overcome your vices, ask Me, My children, I can and I want to, I want to and I can. No one loves you as I do, no one. I gave My life in a cruel way and I would give it again if it were possible. I want you to have life in your souls and have it in abundance, and I, My children, can perform this miracle.

I want your souls healed and cleansed of all filth as you have, so dear children, let Me work in you and you will see how what I tell you is real and true and no matter how sinful you may be I can heal you and present you to My Father as a mirror. I, My children, am the Divine Healer, the Savior of souls, the Redeemer of the world, the Son of the Most High and of Mary Immaculate and I want to heal you one by one. I, Jesus, speak to you and call you to take refuge in My Divine Heart.

Yo. Jesús, os hablo