Know that there are souls in hell for a single mortal sin

Know that I, Michael the Archangel, could now also be a demon if I had seconded Lucifer in his blind madness of wanting to be like God.

Children of the Most High God, I am Michael the Archangel, Heavenly Prince, servant of the Almighty and servant of Mary Most Holy.

I am addressing you sinful souls who are mired in this world for countless sins of all kinds, know that there are souls in hell for a single mortal sin of which they did not want to repent, nor ask God for forgiveness when they were able to do so.

Know that I Michael the Archangel could now also be a demon if I had followed Lucifer's cry "Non serviam" and seconded him in his blind madness of wanting to be like God. But fighting against him and not wanting to follow his thirst for love for himself, made me be eternally close to the Most Holy Trinity of which I am a submissive servant and close to the blessed ones.

Now I ask the same of you, sinful souls, to fight against Satan who every day takes more and more ground in this world, imposing through his followers satanic laws against life and, pretending the rulers who are full of filth, to decide what is best for people, they who do not even know how to look after their own souls. They, men without faith, pretending to set themselves up as gods and decide who is born or who dies.

Children of God Most High, fight against these laws with all possible means at your disposal, because although it seems that the victory is of Evil, it will not be so, that God Most High blesses the one who fights for the divine interests, and God's interest is that life is respected in all its facets and ages, that He, Almighty, will know when He has to take it or establish it.

Whoever fights against Satan in one way or another, will have a place in eternity, because he who in this life ruined the plans of Hell, in the next will enjoy the heavenly rewards. I, Michael the Archangel, speak to you.

Peace to you, children of God of good will. Go to Mary Most Holy, Mother of the Redeemer, and pray for all the battles you undertake, for she will not deny any true child of God her invaluable and valuable help. I, Michael the Archangel, Heavenly Prince, speak to you.

Yo, Jesús, os hablo