New pandemic


New pandemic

(The Virgin) Mary is now announcing that there will be a disease that will devastate many, many people and that it is indeed dangerous.
The spread of this disease will be global and airborne. It is a warning to prepare for it. This disease is artificially created and is deliberately unleashed on people.

Mary transmits inner images of living and slaughtered pigs and birds. It seems to be about a gene or a mix of pathogens.
Pathogens that infect certain animals.

The globally pervasive disease will spread quickly and lead to restrictions. People will have to wear masks over their mouths and noses.
The virus will be very contagious and will frighten many.

This real pandemic will kill countless people. Over 300 million.

There is an evil spirit behind it that is driving this. Preparations are already underway.

The visionary hears the words "Food. Food supplies." Mary advises to stockpile food.

During the course of a war, there will be this pandemic. It will be a difficult time because there will be various serious global developments at the same time.

The visionary hears 2026 and 2028. It sounds like a 2-year period.

Mary warns people to be careful of the global disease. Young people will be affected. Now she shows a picture of a heart.
It looks as if the organ has deposits, too much fat, too much cholesterol. It attacks obese people with an already compromised heart.

There will be lockdowns. Severe restrictions will be imposed on society for protection. Life will be very restricted. The visionary sees images of barrier tapes. Travel will be restricted or not possible at all. Deliveries will be restricted; delivery routes, supply chains, food deliveries.
People will have to rely more on what they have in stock or what grows regionally.

People's faith will increase because they will seek God's help more. Because it will be such an overwhelming and dangerous situation.
This will change something in people and lead many back to faith.

On a psychological level, it will be just the right time for those who die during the pandemic to leave.
Because after that, the world situation will get even worse.

"Thank you, My child. Pass it on. Pass on My warning. Prepare your brothers and sisters."

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.