-Of the occult practices, which is the most dangerous?
-Freemasonry. Freemasonry leads to divorce and suicide, but also other occult practices lead to the same. However, the main objective of the Freemasons is to destroy the Church.
The souls in purgatory have told me that the Freemasons were the ones who assassinated our Pope, John Paul I. And when a Cardinal, who had held a very important position, died, a woman with spiritual gifts from Corinthia wanted to pray for him. The woman prayed, but there was something in the way. She tried repeatedly, but she simply could not pray. One day the same cardinal appeared to her with a fierce look and said: "You cannot pray for me because I am lost due to Freemasonry. And I carry Popes on my conscience". Then together with his spiritual director, and it was he who came to tell me about it, they took the case to the Vatican and its most important authorities. One of them, who acknowledged having been at the deathbed of that cardinal and had witnessed his heart-rending screams, said that he did not want to die that way and went to confess to the present Holy Father.
-So you say that the Masons assassinated Pope John Paul I. Have other Popes or other important people in the Church been assassinated?
-And you believe this Corinthian woman and her spiritual director?
-Can you tell me, Maria, how do you generally deal with Satan?
-When it bothers me, and it's usually small things, I simply do the following. Recently I was sitting here praying the rosary but for some reason I had to leave the room. I hung the rosary on the chair like this and went out. When I returned a few minutes later, the rosary was on the table and full of knots that were impossible to untie. Then I said sternly to Satan, "You stupid idiot! Untie this rosary or I will take ten souls from you!". The rosary untied itself before my eyes and I continued to pray with it. If something happens that I discover has been done by Satan, I just demand in the name of Jesus that he withdraw and he always does.
-Can you think of anything else that would help us strengthen protection against the devil these days?
-Yes. During the last decades exorcisms have practically disappeared, if they have not been totally suppressed from the baptismal rite. That is also a great mistake and leaves the doors open for evil to affect the child more easily. Its omission has caused many priests to become lax in these times. The prayers of exorcism should be retained in their entirety, for complete protection.
The prayer to St. Michael, which used to be said at the end of every Mass, should also be reinstated. This omission also drastically weakens the protection of people when they leave the parish. I beg the priests to have courage and trust in St. Michael, and to reinstate this prayer to obtain greater protection for their parishioners.
Maria Simma