The time has come for My manifestation in your homes....


Carbonia 24-08-2024

4:18 p.m. locution at the hill during the Holy Rosary

The time has come for My manifestation in your homes...

Most Holy Mary says:

My children, here I am, I am here in your midst, I embrace you all in My Breast, I am your Heavenly Mother, I am Mother of Jesus and your Mother.

Beloved children, the time has come for My manifestation in your homes, I will give you the Father's blessing and bring you the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
I will gather you all in one place and teach you the Things of God, I will take you on high, where God the Father is waiting to embrace you to Himself.

The Gate of the New Time is opening to God's children! Everything will manifest in a big way, the things of this world will be abandoned, they will remain on Earth, while the children of God will ascend to enjoy the Things God has prepared for them.

During the enlightenment of consciences, many men will deny the Creator, ...they will enter the great tribulationfor their own conversion: they will have to recognize that the one and only true God is the Lord Jesus Christ.

Satan will soon be put in chains! The antichrist will present himself in his greatness but everything will quickly collapse.

Behold, earthly things will disappear for good to make way for heavenly things.

My children, abandon pride, be humble and love one another as the Father has taught you.

Good will soon be great for all His children. In His great mercy God will intervene to bestow His greatness on every one of His little ones, therefore, every little one will be great;while, those on Earth who thought they were greater than the Creator God will collapse.

God will want to redeem these people by making them know poverty, hunger, despondency, so that they will be converted.

The gift of Heaven is this, my children, repent now, believe the holy Gospel and live it, ...gather in Prayer Meetings.

I bless this sacred place(the Grotto at the Hill of the Good Shepherd in Carbonia),I bless all creatures who will set foot there, all those who will connect even with the mere thought and desire to pray united to the Blessed Virgin, these children will be blessed and welcomed under the mantle of Mary.

The graces of the Lord will be endless, open your hearts, be happy and smile.

May the Most Holy Trinity bless you.