Many souls kill with their tongues

Silence is necessary in the face of facts or circumstances that are unknown. I, Spirit of God, speak to you. There are many, many souls who kill with their tongues because they speak of matters they have not witnessed and, they judge and decide about other people whose intentions they do not know. I, Spirit of God, speak to you.

You must see to it that your tongue does not harm anyone, because you must not do with others what you do not want them to do with you, and much less, judge or decide before circumstances or facts that you were not present, because without intending to and because of your lack of prudence, you can harm for life people whose heart and intentions only God knows. This is very serious, because to decide or to give your opinion before facts that you were not witnesses is like walking in the dark and, rare is the one who does not stumble when he walks in the dark. But if these circumstances occur in priests and you give your opinion about events that you did not see, you can even spoil the vocation of that priest who, affronted, can end up being suspended a divinis. I, the Spirit of God, speak to you.

Children of God, be prudent and measured with your judgments, because your opinion about events that happened is not only not infallible, but almost certainly totally erroneous, because even when you see the facts and are informed from a good source, you do not know the heart, nor the intentions that led a person or a priest to act in a certain way. I, the Spirit of God, speak to you.

The gift of counsel is possessed by very few people, because this gift, like all My gifts, is born in a habitat of prayer and sacraments, and therefore, to know how to counsel well in the things of God, you must first be of God and live in Him, because if you are not, how can you counsel in the things of Him? I, Spirit of God, speak to you.

The criteria of the world have nothing to do with those of Heaven, therefore, your opinions towards persons or priests will not be correct on the supernatural plane because for that you must live in God, belong to Him, because on the human plane many know how to decide or advise, but very few on the supernatural plane. Ask me for light and discernment in drastic and scandalous situations so that you may know how to give true counsel of wisdom. I, Spirit of God, speak to you and instruct you.