Soon you will hear the sound of the shofar


 Carbonia 10.09.2024

Soon you will hear the sound of the shofar.

Beloved My creatures, now I say to you: the storm is about to come upon the whole earth, I will bring humanity to its knees. I will hear the lament of the nations, but I will have to proceed with purification to save them.  My Sacred Heart weeps, the pain is infinite, but I must do it for their salvation.

Beloved children, shortly you will hear the sound of the shofar, that will be the moment I will intervene to put an end to this infamous world, to this perverse generation, men are far from Me, they have given themselves to Satan, but I will awaken them with My justice!

They will roll the drums to death! I will thunder with power My Word rejected and mocked by foolish men, behold, that Word shall be honored, this faithless humanity shall cry out to Me for mercy and ask My forgiveness with contrite hearts.

To My faithful people I will give the royal scepter, they will lead the peoples to conversion, to reconciliation with their Creator God.Harmony will return to the earth and men will no longer be tormented by the Evil One because God will chain him in Hell!

Lend your ear O woman, I must announce the Warning!!! ...It is My grace coming to the world.

Forward with power, I am with you, I will give you the strength and courage of God's true children.

I bless you. Jesus