You will soon be raptured!

Carbonia 28-08-2024

You will soon be raptured!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,

I bring you the blessing of the Most Holy Trinity.

I, the Blessed Virgin, Mother of Jesus and your Mother, am here on this sacred Hill to embrace you all in My Breast, I bring you with Me!

Convert, My children, be docile to the following of Jesus, My Son, keep His Commandments and devote yourselves completely to His Word, do not deviate from His ways, be good children, good soldiers in the combat that you will now have to face against the ancient serpent.

Satan is sucking up the souls of many of God's children, they are surrendering to the voice of the accursed serpent and following him, he deludes them of things that he will never grant, never will be able to because soon he will be chained in hell forever.

I have a burning desire to embrace you all in My Bosom, to take you with Me on this special call to the Good Shepherd's Hill, to the Cave of Mercy! Here Jesus will look out and embrace all His children to take them with Himself into the new land, a land prepared for all God's children, where there will be no more weeping or sorrow.

My children, you who follow the Lord Jesus Christ, you who love Him, who worship Him with all your heart, will soon be raptured. In this rapture, these children will all enter a new land. Heaven will open the Gate of the new earth and welcome all into Himself, a new earth, a new heaven, My children! Everything will be different and it will be in the abundance of love, nothing will ever be lacking, you will be God's blessed ones, you will be elevated to God and you will be in God forever! So sweat now this final combat against Satan because you are close to the rapture.

My children, be worthy of this call, be children of the Most High, renounce the temptations of Satan! Get on your knees before the Crucifix and ask forgiveness for your sins so that Jesus may absolve you and take you with Himself.

Go ahead, I stand here with you on this Sacred Hill, join My hands to your hands and guide you in the prayer of this holy Rosary.

Do not get lost, do not enter the dark ways, do not abandon the way of Light.

I bless you again, My children!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen