Be also attentive to your dreams

The dreams of souls are events that happen to them while they sleep. Not all dreams are true, but many bring messages and announce what is to come.

Nowadays many souls dream things and wake up worried as if what they have dreamed they have lived. I am the Holy Spirit and I communicate to many souls also through dreams, but not everyone knows how to interpret dreams.

Already in the Old Testament we see how there were dreams (1) that many had and that it was necessary to know how to interpret them, and there was always one of My servants who knew how to interpret them. Today this charisma has been lost, although not completely, but dreams sometimes bring important revelations in the form of facts, symbols or sensations.

A soul who prays can come to know how to interpret dreams, because he who prays possesses Me and I give him light and charisma to know how to interpret dreams, although not all souls who pray will know how to interpret them, because if a soul who prays has a dream, it is very possible that she herself will know how to interpret or understand it, if not at that moment, then later on.

Today we look for soothsayers or sorcerers for the interpretation of dreams, people who are fraudulent and who use these actions as a means of living, but they do not know how to interpret dreams, but rather, we should look for people of advanced sanctity for the interpretation of prophetic dreams, which I have already said, that not all dreams are prophetic. It is the holiness of a soul that knows how to interpret them, not the sorcerer or fortune teller, because a holy soul possesses Me and I give him My gifts, the gift of science and wisdom.

Heaven can also manifest itself through dreams and cause a certain person to receive revelations and advances of the future in dreams. In fact, many catastrophes that have happened have been dreamed before, but since today the things of the spirit are not taken into account, this charisma that I, Divine Spirit give to certain souls, is disregarded.

Children of the Most High God, also be attentive to your dreams, they can make you change the course of your actions and determine other decisions that you did not foresee. But I repeat that not all dreams are revealing. Ask for My discernment to know how to understand those dreams that upon awakening left you with the sensation of having lived them. I, Divine Spirit, speak to you.


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