The walls of the Vatican will collapse


Meditate, O men, meditate! The time has come to its hour.
The day of judgment has come, everything is close to My manifestation.

Beloved daughter, I Am the One Who called you to Himself as His handmaid.

Beloved Mine, the days of fellowship have come, welcome My children and give them of Me.

I am the Word Incarnate, I am the One Who created everything, I live immensity, I am timeless.

My Face is to be known to My people, I will make them alive in Me,they will share in My greatness, in My Truth they will be.

Beloved children, I am your Father, I am the One who awaits you to embrace you back to Himself, I long to set you to enjoy in My new world in infinite love.

Live these last days in harmony with Me, give Me your all that I may take you into Me and give you of Me.

Behold, the day of judgment has come, everything is close to My manifestation.

The globe will swing, everything will be untied of that which does not belong to Me.

The bell tower of Milan Cathedral is about to collapse along with all the wretched traitors.

The Church of God will regain possession and be holy in the Holy One.

Beloved children, Rome will lose its glamour, will be burned by fire and will be new in Christ Jesus the Savior. The walls of the Vatican will collapse, everything will be burned and everything that does not belong to God will return to dust.

Collapse, O mountains, cover what the accursed infernal being has raised. Rain down, O heavens the purifying water, let the Earth and all it contains be purified.

Meditate, O men, meditate! The time has come, the change will be sudden. I open the New Age for those who will have followed Me in faithfulness and love, these will enjoy true life in Me.

Ride in rushing waves, O seas, pour out disgust at the wickedness of men. I purify the Earth, I transfigure it in Me, My Beauty will enter it, My chosen ones will enjoy a new paradise.

Dazzling lights in the night! Heaven sends His heavenly Army to put in order:...He will put in Christ what belongs to Christ,...He will dissolve what belongs to Evil.

My children, enjoy these last days of Lent by purifying your hearts so that the Most High may this Easter raise you new in Christ.

Soon this Humanity will see the transformation of the Earth, will know the Beauty of God in the new things in God.

Pray, My children, the hour has come to be read in all its parts.

In the darkness of Lent the light of the Risen Christ will be seen.

Proclaim the Kingdom of God on Earth, O men, all things come new in Him Who Is!

I bless you, My children, stand united and pray for those who do not believe in Me.