With Holy Week you will see the prophecies fulfilled




Carbonia 12.03.2025

The terror will begin soon, with Holy Week you will see the prophecies fulfilled.
Soon you will know the face of the antichrist.

The moon will turn blood red, ...the time is marked, My shout of love will be all over the earth.

Move your souls to Me, do not delay, there is no more time for the things of the world, seek the things above where neither ringworm nor rust will affect them.

Believe firmly in the holy Gospel and come to Me who am the only and true good for you.

The hail that will now come down will destroy crops and the sun will dry up everything.

Come out of your iniquities O men, embrace God's holy doctrine, do not turn your backs on the Truth lest you find yourselves in pain.

Satan is directing men to death, his aim is to destroy God's creature. The hours are marked, Heaven remains waiting for the return of God's children!

My beloved children, candles will burn in your homes, your souls will be safe when the destroyer goes through the streets of the world to grab as many souls as possible.

The terror will begin soon, with Holy Week you will see the prophecies fulfilled.

God the Father is watching His people walk in a wrong path, taking them back, calling them to repentance, to vigilance, to watch for the end times in the misfortunes that are already gripping the world and bringing this Humanity to its knees.
Soon you will know the face of the antichrist, he will present himself as a good man, but the implication will be different.

Do not be foolish, do not let Lucifer manage you, Hell is terrifying O men! Return to Him who created you, who loves you so much and longs to have you back His own to make you happy in His new kingdom.

Worship the Blessed Sacrament, do not hate Jesus Christ, ask forgiveness for your sins and prostrate yourselves at the foot of the cross where Jesus Crucified still suffers for your wickedness.

Extreme times are coming for your existence, you will have nothing more to feed on, nothing more to enjoy but only affliction and famine.

Love your God the King, return to Him lest you loom in the great tribulation.

Courage, rise from the mire of death, renounce Satan!