The son is subordinate to the father, but today it is the other way around, it is the parents who obey the children and subordinate themselves to them. Alas fathers, who do not impose your authority and who are afraid to admonish your children. Alas fathers, who give them all kinds of permissions, even suspecting that your sons and daughters are not on the right path. Alas fathers, who, seeing how your daughters dress, tolerate it.
Fathers and mothers, because both of you will be held accountable for the steps of your sons and daughters. Sons and daughters who are becoming alcoholics and you know it; sons and daughters who tyrannize you and you fear them, and you prefer to ignore the dangers they are in, so as not to complicate your lives. I tell you that your judgment will be very severe and that I will ask you to account for even the most insignificant bad act of your children, because many of these bad steps that you fathers and mothers take, you could have avoided them by imposing your authority, authority that comes from Heaven.
But you do not react, your promiscuous daughters, aborting each other's children, and you overlook it, so as not to remain unpunished for so much immorality and corruption. You are creating a generation so corrupt that you make of your sons and daughters, children of Satan and not of Holy Mother Church.
They do not see in you even the slightest spirituality, only materialism and consumerism, but I warn you that your erroneous and permissive attitude will cause you to have a very harsh judgment, because you openly pass over everything and you do not induce your sons and daughters to moral and divine laws.
That is not modernism, fathers and mothers, that is Satanism, do not confuse the terms, your children are well seized by Satan and his henchmen, and you go to bed quietly with a pill to fall asleep before, so that your consciences do not take away your sleep.
I, Jesus of Nazareth, Eternal Judge, speak to you and warn you of what may come to you, because of your negligence and permissiveness.
Dadme de beber