Grotesque Francis Invents "Crimes" for Those Against Whom He Has Ressentiment published on September 30 his comments on the recent expulsions from the South American institute Sodalicio de Vida Cristiana, a Peruvian version of Opus Dei. Main points.

- During the synodal pontificate of Francis, the Code of Canon Law has was actually abolished. In the Church only what the tyrant wants is done.

- An example is the public, humiliating and unexplained expulsion of ten members of the 'Sodalitium Christianae Vitae'.

- The founder of this society, Luis Fernando Fígari, is accused of sadistic, homosexual abuse and the Sodalitium has admitted the charges.

- Nine other members, including an archbishop, were condemned with Fígari by the direct will of Pope Francis.

- The glorious tyrant does what he wants, without any discussion; no judicial process, no hearings, no court sentences and no possibility of appeal.

- After the verdict, Francis goes to St. Peter's Basilica to ask forgiveness for the sins [of others] against synodality.

- Neither Ionesco's most absurd nor Molière's most bizarre comedy could have invented a character like Bergoglio. Their authors would have considered him too grotesque.

- Francis' decision on the Sodalitium confirms his sanctions against conservative institutions. He seems to have never acted against a progressive group.

- What he is looking for is revenge and the satisfaction of old grudges.

- The tenth of those convicted is Alejandro Bermudez, a conservative journalist and the archetype of a so-called 'neocon'. He was expelled from the Sodalitium by Pope Francis for "abuses in the exercise of the apostolate of journalism".

- The Vatican Gestapo - made up of Monsignor Charles Scicluna, Bergoglio's all-terrain political commissar, and Monsignor Jordi Bertomeu, a Catalan priest with ambitions to become the next archbishop of Barcelona - can now look for similar cases and excommunicate other Catholic journalists.

- Other examples: A priest - who is the most defenceless in the face of episcopal and pontifical power - could be expelled from the state of clerical life for the crime of "abuse in the exercise of the apostolate of confession", if he refuses to give absolution to a person who does not fulfil the required conditions, or of "abuse in the exercise of the apostolate of the Eucharist", if he refuses Communion to a public sinner, or of "abuse in the exercise of the apostolate of mission", if he baptises a Muslim convert to the Catholic Church.

- "I have always said who Bergoglio was and what awaited the Church with his pontificate. But I never imagined that his shamelessness would be so monstrous."

Picture: Alejandro Bermudez, #newsYpqmkskymu