The unceasing help of the Holy Spirit




After Pentecost, the Holy Spirit completed the formation of those whom he had chosen to be the pillars of his Church, despite so many shortcomings. Since then he has not ceased to act in the souls of Christ's disciples in every age. His inspirations are sometimes as quick as lightning: he suggests to us in the depths of our soul that we should be generous in a little mortification, that we should be patient in the face of adversity, that we should guard our senses... Sometimes he acts directly, moving us to good, suggesting, inspiring. Other times He does it through advice received in spiritual direction, through an event, through the exemplary attitude of another person, through reading a good book... 

He wants to place "in the building of my life the stone that must be placed at that precise moment and that is called for, let us say, by the plan of the building, according to the current state of construction," of the great project that God has for our life, which He does not want to carry out without our collaboration. And everything is arranged, sometimes permitted and sometimes sent by our Father God, so that we may attain holiness, the end for which we have been created and in which consists our full happiness here on earth and then, for all eternity, in Heaven. Even the pain, suffering or failure that God allows is directed towards that higher end, which we must never lose sight of: 

This is the will of God, your sanctification. God always loves us: when he gives us comfort and when he allows trouble, affliction, suffering, poverty, failure... In fact, "God never loves me so much as when he sends me suffering." It is a "divine caress" for which we must always give thanks. In the Gospel we are meditating on, Saint Luke tells us of the firmness with which Jesus marches towards Jerusalem, where the Cross awaits him. Saint John did not change in an instant. 

Not even after Jesus' words. But he was not discouraged by his mistakes, he made an effort, he remained at the Master's side, and grace did the rest. This is what God asks of us. When, over the years, the Apostle recalled this and many other events in which he found himself far from the spirit of his Master, he would also remember the patience that Jesus showed him, the times he had to start over, and this would help him to love more the one who one unforgettable afternoon called him to follow him.

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