Miracle In Napa Wildfire: Family Chapel Untouched

A family chapel was miraculously unaffected by the wildfires raging through Northern California, incinerating everything in its path.
On October 9,  Joseph Sciambra — a Catholic apologist — barely escaped the flames, which destroyed the belongings of thousands of people across three counties.
After surveying the damage it was discovered that the Sciambra family chapel remained completely untouched while every building around it was incinerated.

While Sciambra and his father escaped with their lives, the family lost everything else. He revealed on Facebook that all copies of his autobiography, Swallowed by Satan: How Our Lord Jesus Christ Saved Me from Pornography, Homosexuality, and the Occult, were destroyed.
He used the book and religious items he sold to fund his apostolate to turn homosexuals away from the lifestyle in which Sciambra himself was enslaved before his conversion. He revealed "my online shop is now closed and my amazon.com listing for the paperback book is closed; the Kindle version should still be up. Please pray for me."

Arthur Goldberg, the founder of the crowdfunding site Funding Morality and Sciambra's longtime friend and associate, is raising money to help get Joseph back on his feet.
Goldberg tells Church Militant, "We at fundingmorality.com are so grateful to Church Militant's readers, several of whom contacted us with requests to upload a funding morality appeal for Joe Sciambra. We were happy to comply."
He continues, "[W]e're familiar with Joe's history and his incredible transformation from a person previously enmeshed as a star of homosexual pornographic films and escorting others seeking sexual experiences into a devoted Catholic whose transformation into a Christian messenger inspires so many others." Goldberg adds, "As Joe explains in his writings, 'We have a choice: We can surrender to our weaknesses and let ourselves be crushed or [by devoting our life to God and His commandments] the weight can become light and joyful.'"
Goldberg comments that Funding Morality's mission is "to support those who adhere to the code of values of the Abrahamic faiths (sometimes referred to as a Judeo-Christian world-view) and have suffered."
"Clearly Joe Sciambra and his family, who lost their home and all of their material possessions suffered greatly from the wildfires in California," Goldberg adds.
"They were miraculously saved by God's grace. Now, however, it is appropriate for those of us who recognize the incredible work Joe has been doing to help others to step up by providing support to him through www.fundingmorality.com, the only crowd-funding site that is unabashedly pro-life, pro-family and pro-religious liberty."
Many people ask Church Militant for worthy charities to support and Joseph Sciambra is one of them. If you cannot support him financially, please pray for him and his family — especially his father.