You present yourselves in eternity with your hands practically empty


The joys of this life are fleeting, they are fleeting. I, the Spirit of God, speak to you. Children of God, how fleeting are the joys of this life, and if not, remember some of those you have already had, how long does an earthly joy last? They are instants compared to the heavenly joys that last eternally. Children of God, you who have so many desires to enjoy, you seek in this life delights that do not suit you, that are sinful, that kill the life of your soul and predispose it to eternal damnation. I, Spirit of God, speak to you.

You know and believe that there is a Hereafter and that to gain it you must practice virtues and conform every day to the will of God, you know it and believe it, but you do not put it into practice, because the enemy of souls comes and deceives you and tells you that for the four days you are going to live you must enjoy and have a good time, and you spend in buying futile things, and you live sinful experiences that lead you to paths of perdition and, you desire to have more goods than you possess and you give the body more than it can sometimes bear, because you spend it and tire it in trips, in relationships that do not suit you, and thus your life is wasted and you present yourselves in eternity with your hands practically empty of works of love and of glory to God. I, Spirit of God, speak to you.

What must you do? You will ask. Practice and live the Gospel. Put into practice the sublime doctrine of the Redeemer, live it as it is, and you will see that there is no greater joy than to do the will of God at all times.

 Put into practice the sublime doctrine of the Redeemer, live it as it is, and you will see that there is no greater joy than to do the will of God at all times, there is no joy that can compare to it, because doing the will of God brings with it all kinds of blessings, and even in the tribulation that God wants to send you, doing His will helps you to overcome the trial satisfactorily with peace and joy. I, Spirit of God, speak to you.

Be an example to your children who see you so preoccupied with material and earthly things, that they learn from your evil school. Be examples for them and teach them eternal values, do not teach them to live as you do, pending only to give to the body and to enjoy at any cost, so children of God, be consistent with your baptism and the faith to which you belong because if you are not consistent with the faith to which you belong, who will believe in you? Who will trust your criteria if you are not in accordance with the religion to which you belong? If you yourselves do not know how to guide your life and you lead it on paths of perdition, who will believe you and who will trust you? Children of God, reflect on what I am telling you today, for you must reflect on the life of your soul. I, Spirit of God, speak to you and instruct you.