"Demographics are destiny. ..[and] I have suspicions...the U.S. population was forced to take...the COVID shot...and [now] we magically bring in 10 to 15 million illegals who didn't have to take the COVID shot."
Former BlackRock fund manager and founder of Phinance Technologies Edward Dowd (
) discusses with Shannon Joy (
) the "great replacement theory," which predicts the hollowing out of the U.S. middle class and the subsequent insertion of illegal aliens who enter in as an "underclass." While Dowd only cautiously speculates on the theory, he does note a few critical points, including the fact that a majority of the U.S. population was forced to take a COVID injection and the fact that the country is being flooded with 10–15 million illegal aliens who were not forced to take it.
"The elderly population...their excess mortality is rising again as we burn through what we call dry tinder. So, yeah, it's still running 5 to 10% [above expected mortality]," Dowd says. "[And] we all know what's going on with cancers. So this is kind of the burn rate right now."
The fund manager goes on to say:
"And then, you know, look, fertility is a whole other issue. We haven't done an analysis there, but there's a lot of people who say that fertility is down. So, you know, over the next 5 years...you know...demographics are destiny. And, again, I can't link the two, but I have suspicions. We have the U.S. population that was forced ...to take the COVID shot...and we magically bring in 10 to 15 million illegals who didn't have to take the COVID shot...[Now] we have excess mortality in the U.S. and we're bringing...—over the last four years—10 to 15 million people, which we've never done in the history of the U.S."