I am about to open My homes in the world



Carbonia 17.03.2025

Life on Earth under these sinful conditions is coming to an end, Heaven intervenes with all His Love to take His children and shelter them in a place of safety.

The storm will suddenly hit, deafening thunder will ride the Universe, the Enough of God is to be felt by men.

Beloved children, I am the One Who I Am! Those who turn against Me will mark their doom, while those who will embrace My voice will enter to enjoy My New Kingdom on Earth.

God's Word is one and one will be forever!

An apparent peace resounds on Earth ... it is false! Men speak of peace, but they foment war.

Prepare yourselves, My children, prepare your hearts, be firm in the faith, My arm will now fall on the evildoers, I will destroy the satanic temple and raise My New Temple and it will be glorious forever!

I will call My children back to Me, I will place them in Me, while I will drive away those who have betrayed Me, who have flattered Me with false promises! I am about to erase all iniquity, I will wipe off the face of the earth the counterfeiters.

Ahhh!...what pain! what sorrow in Me who awaited you at My breast to give you new life in Me, make you partakers of a new Paradise. Poor children, you have fallen in your pride!

I am about to open My homes in the world, worthy to shelter My children, nothing will be lacking to them because I, God, will fill them with all My good.

Oh presumptuous men, now you will see your castles collapse, these will be buried by rubble, ...you will remain naked, hungry and desperate, you will cry out for My help, but I will not open My Heart to you, I will not listen to your cries as you have not done with your brothers: ...My pearls on Earth!

The Curtain falls on this Humanity, on this ancient history, the New Era will be enjoyed by those who truly served Me, the God of Love and participated in My Project of Love.

The Red Moon has already marked the time!

The great purification is coming!

Mend your mistakes, O men, make haste, there is no more time to lose.