Father Gerald Murray, a New York canon lawyer, wrote on TheCatholicThing.org (March 20) about the permanent ex-synod. Key points.
- The never-ending process that is the Synod on Synodality has taken a new and unexpected turn.
- The current "implementation phase" has become the 'preparatory phase' for something no one in the Catholic Church has ever heard of, namely an "Ecclesial Assembly" (2028).
- The synodal path now leads, ironically, to the cancellation of the next synodal assembly.
- The 'ecclesial assembly' will not be "substantially" an assembly of bishops, Cardinal Mario Grech announced. This means that most of the selected participants will be lay people.
- The idea of an 'ecclesial assembly' to replace the Synod of Bishops was not discussed at the Synodal Assembly last fall, nor by the world's bishops.
- What does any of this have to do with the Divine Constitution of the Church given to us by Christ, in which the bishops are set over the flock, not the flock over the bishops?
- This 'ecclesial assembly' will be a destructive moment for the Church.
- The hierarchy alone has been given charge by Christ to teach, govern, and sanctify the flock of Christ. Their authority is not subject to the majority vote of any assembly of laity.
- The bishops of the Church must resist this blatantly anti-Catholic innovation that would transform the Church into something like a Protestant body.
Picture: EWTN.com, #newsGfpittyohb