You are in a manifest spiritual warfare

If the children of God must distinguish themselves by their good and holy actions, the perverse children of Satan are also discovered by their evil and despicable actions. I, Spirit of God, speak to you.

Children of God, you are in a manifest spiritual war, because there are already many of you who are fighting against the satanic evil that reaches your provinces, your workplaces and your homes. The aberrant sins that Satan inspires in rulers and superiors of centers that are called of social progress and modern, and they do not know that they are throwing stones against their own house, because of the perverse sins of today and that are done so lightly, without any reflection, without weighing the consequences.

Those sins will be the accusers on the day of the personal Judgment of each one, but also on the day of the Judgment of the Nations, where each Nation will be called to account for its laws and way of life, for its permissiveness and for its indifference to fashions, without any morals or ethics whatsoever. I, Spirit of God, speak to you.

The manifestations that you make against satanic and perverse laws, criminal laws such as abortion, against the destruction of the family, are testimonies of great value for the Nation that makes them, because the same as the Nations will be asked to account for how it served its society, the manifestations and public acts will be taken into account, articles in newspapers or magazines, public testimonies in the media, to apply benevolence to that Nation, because everything that is doing good in one way or another, will be weighed in the Judgment of God, just as the evil that is done in one way or another, will also be weighed in the Judgment of God. I, Divine Spirit, speak to you and instruct you.

Heaven blesses everyone who in one way or another fights against satanic evil and its perverse and criminal laws, and I can assure you, that he or she will not go unrewarded. I, Spirit of God, speak to you.

Children of God who navigate against the current in the face of the black waves of this corrupt and anti-divine society, know that your efforts and sufferings will not be in vain, and in due time, they will bear the agreed fruits, but continue to strive in these enterprises that are of courageous people like you and that irritate and annoy, not a little, those who make the anti-divine laws, just as they irritate and annoy the demons and all Hell.

Mary Most Holy, the Queen of purity, love and holiness, is with you blessing your actions and accompanying you in them with tears, and by her power of intercession and love, in due time all evil will be eradicated and will have no strength or power. I, Spirit of God, speak to you and instruct you.

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