The Iranian Nuclear Treaty

Why should I hold back my light?  Why should I delay one moment when the Prince of Darkness spews his evils, using the most violent means possible?  Whatever means he possesses, he uses.  He always seeks new means of destruction, and as soon as he gains them, he uses them.  There is no delay on his part.
The West moves closer and closer to an Iranian nuclear treaty, which is really no treaty at all.  Already, many restraints have been lifted.  Iran is enjoying its new freedom and its new place at the negotiating table (as if it is truly negotiating).  Iran cannot believe this great turn of events.  Its enemies, like Israel, have been shoved side.  They have no place at this table.  The voices that warn against this treaty are rejected.
These are my words.  When the treaty is signed and Iran regains its new freedoms, the powers of darkness will rejoice.  For the first time, nuclear weapons will become part of its arsenal.  Satan will not delay.  As soon as these weapons are in his hand, he will act, stirring up those whom he controls to use them in any form possible, even if this means their own destruction.
Using nuclear weapons will trigger a vast response.  Fires will burn everywhere – far greater than any current blaze.  The new state of the world will become totally irreparable.  This is why I speak forth to all the world and why I cannot wait.  All is urgency.  The clock ticks more quickly than any world leader imagines.  All are sleeping.  No one sees.
So, I must act alone, stirring up my little army.  Read how Gideon defeated the Midianites by reducing the size of his army (Judges 7:1-22) so all glory went to God.  I do not need large numbers.  I only need people who will believe and pray.  Through them, I can act and all the world will see the Father’s plan of using the Woman Clothed With the Sun.
Comment:  As yet terrorists do not have nuclear arms.  When they do, they will use them.