Through you great conversions will take place

Carbonia 07bis-07-2021 -

Soon the Antichrist will manifest to the world, 

he will make himself known after the great Warning.

There will be a great earthquake, my children! Prepare yourselves with prayer, prepare your hearts to give yourselves into the hands of Jesus.

Your help has been great, Jesus will have mercy on all his children, on all those you present to him to be saved.

My beloved children, oh you who seek the Things of Heaven, you who have forsaken the things of this world, .... great shall be the mercy of God upon you!

Delighting yourselves with the Things of God, you will be great, with his holy gifts you will be able to be the image and likeness of God, for God will use you!

You will be his instruments, 

His legs, his arms, his hands, his feet, his eyes, his mouth! 

You will be everything that belongs to God because God will guide you. 

You will be taken by God, you will dwell in God and you will live for God.

My beloved children, soon you will be light to the world, ... through you great conversions will take place: ... when the wayfarer sees you and looks into your eyes, he will embrace you and will long to be like you, ... to belong to God! God had said precisely what would happen: "Man will be converted, will desire the Things of God and will renounce this world, will renounce Satan and will embrace Heaven

Children, the hour has come, there is nothing more to say, you are already in the midst of the battle. 

Soon the Antichrist will manifest himself to the world, he will make himself known after the great Warning. When the world needs help, he will present himself as good, ready to lend a hand to all, but he will be the greatest trap for this Humanity ignorant of the Word of God, of the warnings of God through his messages given to his prophets in the world.

Do not fall into the trap of the adversary my children, be prepared, everything is in place!

Go and pray, pray, pray, pray.

Praise be to Jesus Christ. May he always be praised.