Contemplate the Most Holy Humanity of Christ

One loves only what one knows well. That is why it is necessary that we have the life of Christ "in our head and in our heart, so that at any moment, without the need of any book, closing our eyes, we can contemplate it as in a movie; so that, in the different situations of our conduct, the words and deeds of the Lord come to mind.

"In this way we will feel involved in his life. Because it is not only a matter of thinking about Jesus, of representing those scenes to ourselves. We have to get fully involved in them, to be actors. To follow Christ as closely as Holy Mary, his Mother, as closely as the first twelve, as closely as the holy women, as closely as the crowds that crowded around him. If we do this, if we do not put obstacles in our way, Christ's words will enter the depths of our souls and will transform us...

"If we want to bring other men to the Lord, we must go to the Gospel and contemplate the love of Christ.

We approach the Gospel with a great desire to contemplate our Lord as his disciples saw him, to observe his reactions, his way of behaving, his words...; to see him full of compassion before so many needy people, tired after a long journey, admired before the faith of a mother or a centurion, patient before the defects of his most faithful followers...; we also contemplate him in his habitual dealings with his Father, in the confident way he addresses himself to Him, in his nights in prayer..., in his constant love for everyone.

To love him more, to know his most holy humanity, to follow him closely, we must read and meditate slowly, with love and piety. The Second Vatican Council "insistently recommends to all the faithful... the assiduous reading of Sacred Scripture... for "ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ" (St. Jerome). Go," he says, "to the text itself: in the liturgy, so full of divine words; in spiritual reading....

May we always live from you, we ask the Lord in today's Mass10. Well then, this food for our soul, which we must procure daily, is easy to take. It hardly requires three or four minutes each day, but it does require love. "Those daily minutes of reading the New Testament, which I advised you to do - by meditating and participating in the content of each scene, as one more protagonist - are for you to incarnate, to "fulfill" the Gospel in your life..., and to "make it fulfill"".

Hablar con Dios