The British MP and writer George Galloway, 69, calls the Mass in the Roman Rite "poetry in motion".
On May 15, he met Francis during a Wednesday audience and told him not to restrict Holy Mass, Galloway told (26 June).
Describing himself as "a big fan of this Pope", Galloway believes that Francis "has a lot of enemies, so he has to rely on different factions. It's a very backstabbing place, rather like parliament." In other words, he has no idea what is going on in Francis' Vatican.
A brilliant rhetorician, Galloway is one of the few members of the British parliament who does not belong to the regime and war parties. He created his own party, the Workers' Party of Britain, and made international headlines when he won his seat in the Rochdale by-election with a significant majority from the Labour Party, which had held it for 14 years.
Galloway describes himself as a practising Roman Catholic. He goes to church every Sunday. His mother receives Holy Communion daily.
His faith: "I believe in Jesus with all my heart. Jesus genuinely moves me, drives me. That's why I hate the money changers, I hate the Pharisees, why I hate the Roman occupation... the domination of small people by large, meek people by strong, poor people by rich. I believe that this is the message of Jesus and it informs everything I think".
Galloway's sympathy for Bergoglio may be linked to the fact that he is an Amoris-Laetitia-Catholic. He divorced Elaine Fyffe, his legal wife, in 1999. Since then he has gone through three concubines. He is the father of six children.