Traditional Catholics break down doors of locked church in Port Marly


Basically, the bishop of the diocese refused to allow the FSSPX to say Mass in the church, and kicked them out. The FSSPX tried to do it anyway, saying "we must obey God rather than man". The bishop then ordered the Church doors locked and a wall of cinderblock to be built, preventing entry. 

In France, the government owns all Church buildings and allows any priest to say Mass in any Catholic Church, provided that they are Catholic. 

Knowing this legal fact, the parishioners and the clergy had Mass outside the Church, broke in with the ram that you see, and the bishop could do nothing about it. 

The bishop's complaint was dismissed by the government, who only had one question: "Are they Catholic priests?" The Bishop said: "Yes", and the Government replied: "Well, then...since this is not a violation of the law, then it's just your problem". 

These are real men! Real Catholics! Who refuse to deny God the right reverent worship He deserves!