The purposes of the Great Warning

The purposes of the Great Warning are:

The truths of Hell's fire and purgatorial suffering will be clearly demonstrated. 

To demonstrate to those who follow Maitreya that he is Satan. 

To alert the Jewish people that Maitreya is not their anticipated Messiah but that their Messiah is Jesus Christ who has died on the cross and resurrected. The Great Warning will change the hearts of many Jews. 

To demonstrate to all Christians that the only one true Faith is the Catholic Faith instituted by Jesus Christ, yet the Catholic Church under the Anti-Pope is not the true Church. 

The Great Warning will show that the Anti-Pope cannot be followed because he has dismantled the Church brick by brick. 

The Virgin Mary will cover the earth with a white cloud like snow. All the earth will stop working for three days. A comet will penetrate this white cloud blanket and hit the earth. People will see their own sins in a flash as in a personal judgement before God after their death, and taste the fire of Hell or Purgatory in a degree commensurate to their unconfessed sins. At the same time, earthquakes, fires, tidal waves, and floods will devastate the earth.

As all people shall have seen the Holy Hosts flying to Heaven before the Great Warning, they shall at the Great Warning recognize the Truths of the true presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. Those who desecrated the Blessed Sacrament will understand their errors. 

The sun has several implosions causing a great flash. These implosions are the sign that the Blessed Virgin Mary is coming to earth as the Morning Star to cover the earth with Her mantle, a thick white cloud which holds everyone in place. The earth stop rotating and all machines stop working (including cars on the road).

Everyone will come to understand and declare that God is God, that there is only one God in the Blessed Trinity -- Father, Son, and Holy Ghost -- and that there is no other god before Him. Everyone who has sinned will declare that he/she has sinned against God and begged forgiveness. Everyone will see his/her sins and accept corresponding punishment that God will mete out at that moment. Everyone will know his/her destination -- Heaven or Hell -- if he/she died at that moment. Everyone will suffer from the pain of sin from less severe to excruciating depending whether the sins have been confessed and atoned for or not. 

While the earth is covered with the white cloud, the tail of a meteor/comet named Wormwood will hit the earth in many places (Apocalypse 6:13; 8: 10-11). Its full impact falls on the Western Hemisphere causing greatest of earthquakes ranging from 8.6 to 10.0 in Richter scale lasting up to 20 minutes (Apocalypse 16: 18). 

Other effects of the comet striking the earth are fires, floods, volcanoes, tidal waves, explosions of chemical plants and nuclear power plants, and explosions of the nuclear missiles due to shock waves caused by earthquakes. Sinkholes as a result of earthquakes swallow whole cities. The acid, toxic, and extremely inflammable comet dusts destroy vegetation and cause terminal illness among animals.

Taking advantage of the U.S. being crippled by natural disasters and preoccupied with internal relief efforts, some countries in the Middle-East and North Africa start the first phase of the the World War III (Apocalypse 6: 3; 16: 14) which occurs mainly in Europe. The war ends with the Anti-Christ's leadership being acclaimed as he plays the role of mediator. 

Because of the war-like conditions in Europe and Italy, the Anti-Pope moves the throne of Peter to Jerusalem. 

The thick dust cloud created by the impact of the comet blocks the sun, causing a great cold (Apocalypse 8:12). During the summer months following the Great Warning, when it is warmest then it will become very cold, 80-90 degrees F below zero for 7 to 15 weeks.

The great earthquake causes fissures in the earth, releasing the great avalanche of a variety of animals and insects. After the cold period, the weather becomes warmer. Then there are great hordes of ants, beetles, locusts, flies, lice, frogs, grasshoppers, snakes, rodents, and dogs terrorizing cities and farm areas. These invade homes, barns, buildings, and will eat all in their path, destroying food in the fields. As a result, there is a shortage of food. Famine will strike America for the first time in its history (Apocalypse 6: 6). There will be total chaos with riots and race wars.

Combining with nuclear fallout, the animals and insects . coming out of the bowels of the earth cause great plagues (Apocalypse 6:8; 15: 6). Diseases and great outbreaks of toxic syndromes, AIDS, viral infection, cholera, malaria, etc. There will be no enough or no antidote against these epidemics. 

Great worldwide economic collapse. The Anti-Christ will cause many world leaders to be killed. He now rules most of the world and starts enforcing food-rationing worldwide (Apocalypse 13: 17). 

The microchips (containing the Mark of the Beast) (Apocalypse 13:16-18; 16:2) will be installed on the hands of people as part of food-rationing scheme. However, it will be used as a means of total control to force people to worship him as god. The Anti-Pope of the Schism Church will declare that those Catholics who do not accept the chips will be excommunicated. 

The invasion of souls by evil spirits. Many people who reject God and allow themselves to become tools of the Anti-Christ will be possessed by demons. They hate Christians and those who profess any religious sentiments. 

Christian books, statutes, and images will be confiscated and burnt. Bookstores selling Christian books and products for liturgical use will be closed down. Churches will be closed and Priests hunted down (Daniel 12: 7, 11-12). The true Remnant Catholic Church is now totally underground.

The evangelization of the World by the 12 Apostles and 72 Disciples of the Last Days. The Apostles are men and the Disciples are both men and women, many of them are true seers. 

The Great Miracle: a Permanent Sign will be given at all Our Blessed Mother's Shrines. The sign will start first in Garabandal then to other Shrines throughout the world. During this time, everyone will be marked on the forehead either with the Cross (Apocalypse 7:3) or with the Mark of the Beast. Those who have the microchips on the hand will be marked with the Mark of the Beast on the forehead. Thanks to this invisible Mark of the Cross, the faithful can recognize one another. 

The Rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:13-17; Luke 17:31-37; Matthew 24:40-42; 1 Corinthians 15:51-55): many people will be taken up into a supernatural realm of the Eternal father before the Chastisement to await the return of Our Lord. They will escape the terrible suffering of the three days of nuclear war and three days of darkness. 

During the final phase of the World War III, the Anti-Christ strives to obliterate the Permanent Signs left by the Great Miracle in all the Shrines of Our Blessed Mother by unleashing another nuclear war. Those disagree with the Anti-Christ launch nuclear attacks at many cities in the world destroying them. In particular, China and Russia attack the U.S. with nuclear missiles, destroying most of its big cities (Ezechiel 28:1-23). Most states become war zones. The U.S. will lose over half of its population , with millions dying in a single day from nuclear blasts and great drives of Russian and Chinese soldiers. Then, the Chinese enormous army (200 million strong, Apocalypse 9:16; 16:12) invades Russia and its allies. They shall reach Rome and proclaim themselves rulers of the world. By this time, half of the world's population no longer exist (Apocalypse 9:18).

In Armageddon, Israel where the Anti-Christ forces and the Chinese forces gather to fight the last battle against the Christian forces (Apocalypse 19: 19). At the time when the Christian forces thought that they were about to be defeated, missiles hit a German factory producing nuclear warheads. Several thousands of nuclear warheads explode simultaneously. Such an explosion, unheard of by mankind or experienced by the planet earth, causes the planet to move off its axis and its orbit. The earth being no longer aligned with the sun and the moon, smoke and radiation by nuclear bombs blocks the sunlight, resulting in Three Days of Darkness (Matthew 24: 21-22, 29; Apocalypse 6:17; 8:12; 14:14-20). As a mercy of God, a comet (the Ball of Redemption) (2 Peter 3:8-13; Apocalypse 6: 13; 8:10) is sent to hit the earth to bring it back to the old alignment with the sun and the moon. 

After the Great Chastisement, the continents will be rearranged. Many nations with their whole peoples will disappear from the map of the world. The temperature will be constant around 72 degree F throughout the year around the globe.. This period is an era of peace which will last 1,000 years.