Soon the children of God will be raptured

Carbonia 27-08-2022 - (First locution).

Today I am with you, as always, soon as the Holy Rosary begins I am here with you, I join my hands with yours, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I love you in me and I exhort you more and more to be faithful to Jesus Christ my Son, and to be living bread in this world, to be the salt of the Earth.

Behold, we are now in those times in which you will see manifested all that the prophecies of old and today have revealed.

The servants of our Lord Jesus Christ are all united, they are ready for battle, soon the Lord will give the gifts of the Holy Spirit:

... Blessed are those who have believed even without seeing,

... blessed are they who have walked in the footsteps of the Lord,

... blessed are those who have labored with such love and generosity for this Work of Salvation, and for this Hill of the Good Shepherd.

God has chosen his children, he is calling them all to gather here on this hill.

You will see his wonders, my children, we are now in those times, it is a little before the manifestation of the Cross in heaven, a little before the manifestation of God to humanity. Soon the children of God will be raptured, taken to another dimension and sent back to Earth as apostles of the end times, to recover all those souls who have turned away from God, ... who have rejected God! who have rejected God!

God will try by all means to save these children, bringing them to their knees before the worst sufferings.

A great catastrophe is coming, my children!

I have told you and I announce it again today here on the Hill of the Good Shepherd, a place chosen by Heaven.  

God will reveal to you one day why He has chosen this place.

Many ask why Carbonia?

Why this place?

Why this visionary? How is it possible?

My children, do not dwell on these thoughts, think only of praying and purifying your souls to be prepared for the moment when Jesus will manifest Himself to the world. 

Only God knows what He must do.

Only God knows His plan.

It only remains for you to pray, to draw ever closer to Him for the salvation of your souls.

Pray for those who are far from God, pray for those who still reject God and mock this call to the "Hill of the Good Shepherd". Here the Good Shepherd will manifest Himself and embrace all Humanity to Himself.

Prepare yourselves ... everything is about to happen!

The things of God must be accomplished in this time, not in years.

Therefore, prepare yourselves for this encounter, for many it will be anticipated, for others it will be postponed, (...according to the purity of their hearts) That is why I ask you to prepare yourselves: prepared! pure so as not to suffer even a little of the suffering that is to come.

I join my hands with yours and I embrace all of you who are here on the Hill, I bless you and I bless all those who follow me from afar in this special call to Carbonia.

All works will unite! God's work is one!

God has called in many places, and this is a chosen place where God's greatness will be manifested.

I bless you again in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.