Kamala Harris has ‘extreme’ anti-Catholic agenda


LifeSiteNews.com reported on July 29, 2024:

Kamala Harris presidency would be a threat to the religious freedoms of Catholics and the lives of preborn babies, Catholics leaders are warning.

Vice President Harris is currently the Democratic Party’s choice to run for president in 2024. Barring any last-minute changes, the Democrats will formally nominate her in the first week of August.

Her record of opposing Catholics and Catholic values is raising concerns.

Under the Biden-Harris administration, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has aggressively and selectively enforced the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE Act), including targeting peaceful pro-life fathers like Mark Houck.

The same DOJ also put out a memo through the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that baselessly accused Catholics who attend the Traditional Latin Mass of “extremism.” The FBI has even spied on Latin Mass churches under the Biden-Harris administration.

Similarly, Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland and the DOJ released a memo suggesting that concerned parents and advocates who opposed racial identity politics and sexual ideology in the classroom were akin to domestic terrorists.

The Biden-Harris administration also tried to force hospitals and doctors, including Catholic ones, to facilitate the surgical and genital mutilation of gender-confused individuals and to commit abortions.

But apart from that, Harris also has a record of targeting pro-lifers and Catholics. For example, as attorney general of California, she targeted Catholic pro-life journalist David Daleiden after he released videos that showed Planned Parenthood executives casually discussing the sale of aborted baby body parts. She also supported a bill, later thrown out by the Supreme Court, that would force pro-life pregnancy centers to tell women where they can obtain abortions.

As a U.S. senator, she criticized a judicial nominee and member of the Knights of Columbus, attacking the organization because its leadership, like the Catholic Church, opposes abortion and so-called homosexual “marriage.” She also was once ranked the most liberal senator in the U.S. Harris opposes the right of religious companies, such as Hobby Lobby, to opt out of providing abortifacient birth control.

Harris is an “unrepentant apologist for abortion,” according to Reagan Barklage, the national field director of Students for Life of America and a Catholic herself.

The vice president would need to completely change her ways in order to reassure Catholics, according to Barklage.

“A Kamala Harris presidency is an abortion extremism presidency that puts thousands of preborn lives at risk,” Barklage told LifeSiteNews in an emailed statement. “She is an unrepentant apologist for abortion, as she can’t name a single abortion she wouldn’t support.”

“Unless she does a complete 180 on her stance, which means losing the allegiance of her radical abortion base, true Catholics who uphold the sanctity of all human life have a vested interest in voting against her if she becomes the Democrat nominee,” Barklage said.

Michael Hichborn of the Lepanto Institute shared a similar assessment with LifeSiteNews in a media statement.

“Harris’ entire disposition is directed in complete contravention with the Catholic Church,” Hichborn said via email. “By holding membership in the Knights of Columbus as a litmus test for one’s judicial qualifications, Harris may as well dismiss anyone claiming to be a faithful Catholic.”

“For Harris to show that she holds no animosity toward Catholics, Christians, or even social conservatives, Harris would have to denounce the majority of her political career and completely reject and apologize for her bigoted comments,” he said.

But this would mean the vice president would need to “completely abandon her radical agenda against human life, the nuclear family, and religious freedom.”

“Harris is on record with a willingness to persecute pro-lifers and anyone who opposes LGBT ideologies,” Hichborn warned. “Taking her agenda to its logical conclusion, Harris’ America would not just eliminate religious freedom, but all freedom, making citizens into automatons to do the bidding of the state.”

American Life League’s president agreed.

“As someone who has watched Harris over the years, including her legal attempt to crush David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress, I can say from firsthand experience that Harris detests truth, beginning of course with Christ and His Word, not to mention her revilement at preborn babies and their defenders,” American Life League president Judy Brown told LifeSiteNews in a media statement.

“Harris has never stood for morality, ethics or truth.”