The angel put him on the other side of the river



-In the little flowers of St. Francis we read that one day an angel appeared at the door of the convent to speak with Friar Elias.

But pride had made Friar Elias unworthy to speak with the angel.
At this moment St. Francis returned from the forest and strongly reprimanded Brother Elias in a loud voice, saying to him :
- You do wrong, Brother Elijah, proud Elijah, in casting out from us the holy angels who come to teach us. I am very much afraid that this pride will drive you out of this Order. And so it happened, as St. Francis had predicted, since he died outside the Order.

That same day and at the hour when the angel left, this same angel appeared in that form to Friar Bernardo, who was returning from Santiago and was on the bank of a great river and greeted him in his own language:
- God give you peace, good brother!

Brother Bernard could not get over his amazement at seeing the young man's appearance and hearing the speech of his homeland, with the greeting of peace and the festive countenance.

- Where do you come from, my good young man," he asked.
- I come from such a place, where St. Francis is. I went to speak with him, but I could not, because I was in the forest, absorbed in the contemplation of divine things.

And I did not want to disturb him. In the same place are the Maseo brothers, Gil and Elijah.
Then the angel said to Brother Bernardo:
- Why don't you go over to the other side?

- I am afraid, because I see that there is a lot of depth
- Let's go through together, don't be afraid," said the angel.
And taking him by the hand, in the twinkling of an eye, he put him on the other side of the river

Then Brother Bernardo realized that he was an angel of God and exclaimed with great reverence and exclaimed with great reverence and joy:
- O blessed angel of God, tell me what is your name!
- Why do you ask for my name, which is wonderful?
Having said this, he disappeared, leaving Brother Bernardo consoled to the point of that he made the whole journey full of joy

-In the life of St. FELIPE BENICIUS (1233-1285), Prior General of the Order of the Servites of Mary, there is an account of his life.

It is recounted that on June 2, 1259, when he was celebrating his first Mass, all those present, at the moment of the elevation, heard a song so beautiful and sublime that they were very moved, because it seemed that an invisible choir of angels was singing the Holy, Holy, Holy.

 In this way, heaven ratified the decision taken by his superiors to ordain him a priest, in spite of the reluctance of some to make him appear too insignificant, humanly speaking, to be a priest.

 Fr Angel Peña