Have the souls in purgatory told you anything about the Masses that they don't like and that makes them sad?
Yes. The so-called sign of peace and holding hands during the Our Father are two examples. They take place right after the consecration, precisely when we should be concentrating only on the Lord. That is when Jesus is closest to us, and that is when we all scatter, looking for someone to greet, instead of staying in deep prayer with Him, uninterrupted, undistracted by someone we hardly know. It is like bringing social rituals into the Church, instead of bringing Jesus closer to the faithful.
I say "someone we hardly know" so that we do not let our guard down. It is precisely the holiest places where Satan's followers infiltrate the most. And physical contact greatly strengthens the curses they spread. How happy they are when they hold hands or even embrace the faithful just when they have been distracted from the presence of Jesus! Danger lurks, generally, behind a false familiarity or a forced unity. This way of proceeding, combined with a lack of confession, makes today's Masses a fruitful hunt for those who have chosen to torment Christ's followers.
We should pray the Our Father only with the one who gave us the most prayers; and go to greet and shake hands outside, later, when we have time and can choose with whom to do so. Being a true person of prayer and prudent does not imply being unsociable or prejudiced.
And then there is the applause, of course, which is the worst thing of all. Parishes are for prayer. Jesus is in the tabernacle, and we take time to simply applaud another man for saying something or doing something that is nice, right or powerful?! No! By applauding we endanger the priest, or whoever said that nice phrase, and boost his ego instead of helping him in his humble mission to bring us closer to Jesus. This is wrong. It is against the devotion that we should teach or all and especially the young people today.
All young people hold hands and clap their hands in school, and we should show them that parishes are only for meeting God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, Jesus and Mary. For nothing else.
Were the souls themselves who said that the sign of peace and hand-holding were problematic for them?
-Yes, that's right.
-Did they say anything about the extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist?
-Yes. Under normal conditions, only the consecrated hands of priests can distribute Communion. The law of the Church says that this must be done unless there are "extraordinary circumstances," such as the priest being sick in bed....
"Extraordinary" does not mean that the faithful must wait two minutes instead of ten to receive Communion. We should always prepare prayerfully to receive Jesus, and people who insist on doing everything as quickly as possible do not know what an enormous privilege and source of graces and protection we get from receiving Jesus.
If anyone needs proof that God doesn't like the reckless way in which extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist are used today, I can tell the following story about something that happened very close to here a short time ago.
Not long ago a woman passed away who used to distribute Communion and who had induced many other women to do the same. I did not know her very well, but I had heard a lot about her. Before the funeral, the coffin was open so that family and friends could say their goodbyes. At the appointed time, the casket was closed. But before an hour had elapsed, a close relative arrived late and asked the priest to please open it briefly so that he could say goodbye to the deceased as well as the rest. The priest agreed and, with one or two people present, lifted the lid and looked inside. They witnessed something that was not what they had seen a while before. The woman's hands had turned black. This sign, for me, as for the rest, was a confirmation from God that the unconsecrated hands had turned black.
This sign, for me, as for the rest, was a confirmation from God that unconsecrated hands cannot distribute Jesus during Communion.
On the other hand, the so-called "altar of the people" is also something that delights Satan. Jesus present in the tabernacle should always be at the center of the Church. When the altar was turned around, several things happened. To begin with, the concentration of the faithful on Jesus was dissipated by now having the priest's face in between, and the face, as everyone knows, is the strongest point of communication between people. Only during the homily should the faithful concentrate on the parish priest, on his words and on his face. When the altar was turned around, Jesus was left in a secondary place, which resulted in his being left at the side and then, finally, as is the case today in many churches, totally separated, in a different wing or even in a totally separate room. This is precisely what Satan had in mind from the beginning, to get rid of Jesus!
-Are there other cases of private revelations in which complaints have also been expressed about these matters, similar to what the souls have told you?
-That's right. A Marian apparition that someone I trust told me about certainly confirms what the souls say. This apparition took place during the course of a Mass, a few minutes after the consecration. Our Mother appeared to the visionary who was there as she usually does. However, this time she did not pray or speak to the visionary and disappeared seconds after blessing the small group. When the other people present asked her why everything had happened so quickly, her answer (with a wave of her hand) was, "Because Jesus was standing there." So, if Our Mother does not think it is appropriate to communicate with anyone while Our Lord is present in body and blood, how dare anyone interrupt our communication with Him!!!
And recently it was published that distributing communion in the hand was the fourth warning given to the nun who saw Our Mother in Akita, Japan. Hearing this made me very happy.
Maria Simma