
The app Pokemon Go proved itself tremendously popular- surpassing the previous records set by Candy Crush. It introduced augmented reality to the mainstream which takes us one bold step closer to the digital matrix that I postulate is one of the main goals of the Illuminati.
Looking a bit deeper, we find that the Pokemon Go app was created by Niantic, Inc. It was revealed that Niantic, Inc. had its origins from a Google startup which obviously lends itself to my theory that Google is seeking to put us into the Transhumanism hell through the digital Matrix.

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Also available on as a self-narrated book by Isaac Weishaupt

Some claim that the abilities of the app to track and monitor its users locations is a veiled attempt at further enhancing the government’s abilities to spy on us; which turns out to be true!
Niantic Inc. was started by John Hanke who also started Keyhole Inc. which was done so with funding from the CIA. Sounds unbelievable doesn’t it? This is directly from
Keyhole, Inc., founded in 2001, was a pioneering software development company specializing in geospatial data visualization applications and was acquired by Google in 2004 for $35 million. Initially launched as a spin-off of Intrinsic Graphics, first round funding came from a Sony venture capital fund and others, additional capital came from an NVIDIA bundling deal, from the CIA’s venture capital arm In-Q-Telwith the majority of In-Q-Tel’ funds coming from the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, and from angel investor Brian McClendon (who later came on as a board member and VP). Keyhole’s marquee application suite, Earth Viewer, emerged as the highly successful Google Earth application in 2005; other aspects of core technology survive in Google Maps, Google Mobile and the Keyhole Markup Language.
The name “Keyhole” is also a homage to the KH reconnaissance satellites, the original eye-in-the-sky military reconnaissance system now some 50 years old.
So it seems we’ve got a game that people voluntarily allow to track and monitor their movements which allows Google and other surveillance groups to see what we’re doing a la 1984. What’s even more disturbing is that most of the younger generation doesn’t even mind! After all, they were raised in the era of big surveillance programs like the Patriot Act so it all seems quite normal…


We are also being programmed to believe in the “further evolved” alien theory such that when these demonic entities show up we can learn from them. Some claim that the alien idea is internally projected by mankind because we so desperately want a guiding force to tell us what to do; so our entertainment is providing that for us in the hopes that we can one day summon these demonic entities.
We are also being conditioned to simultaneously pull away from traditional religious beliefs in what appears to be a coordinated effort of the occult to bring about the Crowley Aeon of Horus and the new age of mankind which seeks to evolve humans through transhumanism.
I’m not one to try and deflate what others deem as entertainment. If Pokemon is something that gives you joy in life; please continue to allow it to do so. However, be aware that the principles inherent in the processes of evolution and communicating with supernatural entities and trying to be some kind of training sorcerer could lead you down the path of the occult.

They’ve placed traps everywhere that can lure the unsuspecting into much darker territories, so my only request is that you become familiar with the symbols, strategies, and beliefs being used by the Illuminati and their push on the new age of occultism…

Of course, Pokemon is a Japanese game, and is just a kiddified version of the Megami Tensei series, which has the player negotiating with actual demons and often has JHVH (or Satan) as an end-boss.