The need for holy people to transform society


Be ye therefore perfect, even as your heavenly Father is perfect. Holiness, a growing love of God and of others for God, can and must be acquired in everyday things, which are repeated many times, with apparent monotony. "To love God and serve Him, it is not necessary to do strange things. To all men without exception, Christ asks that they be perfect as their heavenly Father is perfect (Mt 5:48). For the great majority of men, to be holy means to sanctify their own work, to sanctify themselves in their work, and to sanctify others through their work, and thus to find God in the way of their lives.

For work, any upright task, to become a means of holiness it is necessary that it be humanly well done, since we cannot offer God anything defective, for that would not be worthy of Him7. 7 Work well done involves both the care of the small duties that every profession carries with it and the most faithful fulfillment of the virtue of justice with other people and with society, the prompt rectification if any error has been committed with those with whom or for whom we work, the constant eagerness to improve professionally in our work. This applies equally to the employer, the worker, or the student. For the doctor or the mother of a family who has to dedicate herself to the care of the house by carrying out the daily chores of the home.

Sanctifying ourselves in our work will lead us to make it an occasion and a place for dealing with God. For this, we can offer our work at the beginning, and then renew this offer frequently, taking advantage of any circumstances. Throughout its realization, many moments will present themselves for offering small mortifications that enrich the interior life and the very work that we are doing; also, for the exercise of human virtues (industriousness, fortitude, joy...), and supernatural ones (faith, hope, charity, prudence...).

Work can and should be the means to make Christ known to many people. There are professions that have an immediate impact on social life: teaching, those related to the media, the exercise of public functions in a country... But there are no tasks that have nothing to do with the doctrine of Jesus Christ. Even in very technical problems of a company or in the way a mother runs her home, different solutions will be given, at times radically different, depending on whether one has a pagan or a Christian view of life. Those who do not have faith will always have an incomplete vision of the world, and the way they behave as Christians will sometimes clash with the fashion of the moment, with the current customs among colleagues in the same profession. These are especially favorable circumstances for making Christ known, by being exemplary in the Christian way of acting, full of naturalness and firmness.

The world is in need of God, all the more so as it repeats more often that it has no need of Him. We Christians, striving to follow Christ seriously, will make him known. "A secret. -An open secret: these world crises are crises of saints.

"God wants a handful of men 'his' in every human activity. -After that... "pax Christi in regno Christi" - the peace of Christ in the kingdom of Christ. "

Sanctify the work. To sanctify oneself in work. Sanctify with work.