"Many Are Convinced, That Francis's Connected to Freemasonry" (Colombia)

Critic of Pope Francis' Visit: "Many Are Convinced, That He's Connected to Freemasonry"

Criticism of the Pope's visit to Colombia: it concerns the repression that Francis is imposing on the Church, but also the political attitude he takes to the domestic political conflict with the Marxist guerrilla organization FARC. A priest told RCN Radio: "Many pray for not coming."

The Eponymous Flower (Bogota) The evidence of priests who are dissatisfied with the direction given by Francis to the Church is the result of the large number of reports on the forthcoming visit to Colombia from the 6th to 11th of September. A priest, who will participate in a direct encounter with Francis, will present his reservations to him on this occasion and also say that "many" are convinced that Francis "is connected with Freemasonry."

RCN report

The radio network RCN Radio reported on the weekend of this criticism by a priest who wanted to remain anonymous because of the "revolution of tenderness." There is still another reason for anonymity, however. He is only one of "at least 90 priests," who are personally known to him, who are "dissatisfied" with the path taken by Pope Francis for the Church. RCN Radio reported under the title:
"In the Catholic Church, there is also rejection of the Pope's visit."

"At least 150 heresies" - "Believers pray that pope does not come"

The broadcaster reported:
"Even Catholic priests are among the people who oppose the papal visit to Colombia, because they are convinced that Francis has damaged the church's Magisterium with his testimony, especially on issues such as homosexuality and the family."
"For 20 years," he has been a priest and works in Bogota, according to RCN radio,
In Bogota, Medellin, and Bucaramanga, he knows at least 90 priests who think as he does and do not agree with how Pope Francis holds the reins of the Church in his hand. "
The priest assured the broadcaster that "there are believers who pray for the pope not to set foot on Colombian soil."
The priest said:
"Priests of different dioceses, I can not name their names for obvious reasons, are completely against the visit of Francis. Many prayer groups pray that he will not come. "
In the statements made so far by Francis as a pope, at least "150 heresies" are contained: "claims that contradict the religious doctrine."

"Many believe that the Bishop of Rome is associated with Freemasonry"

Great damage had been done, above all, to the authority of the Church to judge things and to give guidance.
"In my parish, a homosexual came to confession and told me that he was homosexual and lived with another man. I told him that this is sin. He then replied that the pope said something else, that it was not for me to judge. "
As the example shows, the Pope prevents me from fulfilling my task, because my authority is undermined in moral questions, to be able to say what sin is."
The priest will be a group that will meet with Francis on the first day of the Pope's visit. He would avail himself of this opportunity to present his reservations. He was determined to tell him that "many believe that the Bishop of Rome is associated with Freemasonry." In order not to miss this chance of being allowed to address the pope, he could not give up his identity beforehand.

Political criticism of the Pope's visit: "Many consider him a Communist"

Criticism of the Pope's visit comes not only from the inner church side because of the way in which Francis performs the service of Peter. In Colombia, there are reservations about the Pope's visit because of his political attitude to the "peace agreement" between the government of the left-wing Prime Minister Santos and the Marxist guerrilla organization FARC.
There is "much" in Colombia, according to RCN Radio, who consider that Francis is a "false pope", others who consider him a "communist" who "only" comes to Colombia to legitimize the agreement with the FARC." The FARC had been founded as an armed arm of the Colombian Communist Party in the early 1960s.
The radio network RCN Radio was founded in 1948 on the occasion of the Eucharistic Congress held in Colombia and covers the entire country. The Radio network has belonged since 1973 to the Colombian entrepreneur Ardila Lülle.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Photo: CEC / RCN Radio (Screenshots)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com