Billionaire launches multi-million$ media campaign to impeach President Trump

As billionaire financier George Soros sinks $18 billion into his Open Society Foundation, thereby transforming it into one of the world’s largest charitypolitical activist organizations, another billionaire Democrat, Tom Steyer, is launching a national campaign to impeach President Donald Trump, after only 9 months of presidency.
Thomas Fahr Steyer, 60, is the founder and former co-senior managing partner of Farallon Capital — a hedge-fund that manages $20 billion in capital for high-net-worth individuals and institutions that include college endowments and foundations. After retiring as manager of Farallon Capital in 2012, Steyer launched NextGen America, a political organization that supports leftist positions on climate change, immigration and health care, among other issues.
Born of a Jewish father and an Episcopalian mother, with a net worth estimated at $1.6 billion in 2016, Steyer has funneled millions of dollars into Democratic candidates and causes. He was environmental advisor to the Obama administration and is on the board of trustees of Stanford University, his MBA alma mater.
Jacob Pramuk reports for CNBC that Steyer began the “Need to Impeach” initiative on Friday with an ad calling on Americans to urge their members of Congress to vote President Trump out of office.
Need to Impeach said in a statement it would launch an “eight-figure” television ad purchase and a “seven-figure” digital buy.
In a video, Steyer called President Trump “a clear and present danger who is mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons.” He accuses the president of taking the U.S. “to the brink of nuclear war” and obstructing justice by firing former FBI Director James Comey, among other charges.
Trump’s impeachment currently appears highly unlikely, given the Republican Party’s control of both chambers of Congress. Even Democratic congressional leaders have shown no interest in impeaching Trump, yet, despite Rep. Al Green‘s (D-Texas) introduction of articles of impeachment against Trump and a Democrat bill, HR 1987, to remove President Trump for ‘mental incompetence’.
According to Section 4 of Article Two of the United States Constitution:
The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
Nothing that Tom Steyer gives as his reasons to impeach President Trump even remotely constitutes “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors”. All of which points to Steyer’s irrationality. So if anyone should be accused of being “mentally unstable,” it is Thomas Fahr Steyer, not President Donald John Trump.
Steyer should look up the meaning of “sore loser” in the dictionary.